Democratizing Distr. Systems: Kubernetes, Brigade, Metaparticle & Beyond • Brendan Burns • GOTO 2018

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This presentation was recorded at GOTO Amsterdam 2018. #gotocon #gotoams
Brendan Burns - Co-founder of Kubernetes & Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft
Simply put despite all of the advances in cloud over the last decade, it is too hard to build a reliable, cloud-native application. However, with each passing month, more and more of these applications must be built. As containers and Kubernetes have become a commodity that developers can rely on in all public clouds and on premise as well, our attention is turning to the systems that we can build on top of Kubernetes. Brigade [...]
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#Kubernetes #k8s #Brigade #Metaparticle
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Brendan Burns - Co-founder of Kubernetes & Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft
Simply put despite all of the advances in cloud over the last decade, it is too hard to build a reliable, cloud-native application. However, with each passing month, more and more of these applications must be built. As containers and Kubernetes have become a commodity that developers can rely on in all public clouds and on premise as well, our attention is turning to the systems that we can build on top of Kubernetes. Brigade [...]
Download slides and read the full abstract here:
#Kubernetes #k8s #Brigade #Metaparticle
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