Live! News, Politics, Plus Interview w/ Rania Khalek!

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Fantastic, FANTASTIC interview with Rania Khalek, well done. When she was talking about Hillary supporters who don't feel the class politics as much because it doesn't effect them, I could only think of Thom Hartmann. He's usually a wonderful progressive voice, but when you can talk about someone spitting on your expensive leather and fleece greatcoat, you aren't getting why alot of people probably will not vote for Hillary.


RANIA KHALEK IS AWESOME!  I could listen to her ALL DAY LONG!  This is what is WRONG with America, all the GREAT PEOPLE ARE KEPT OUT OF OUR MEDIA, KEEPING THE PEOPLE FROM HEARING, and LEARNING ABOUT WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON!THANK YOU RANIA KHALEK!  I hope to see more of you on our ALL PROGRESSIVE SHOWS!  I KNOW Nicole Sandler and Sane Progressive would LOVE to interact with you!  In fact, I gave them this link, to listen to you and Ben!  THANK YOU BEN FOR DISCOVERING HER!


Spread the word #superdelegates=votersuppression, #stopsuperdelegates. Each super-delegate vote counts as 10, 000 votes. If they choose to vote different than the majority of their state they cancel out 9999 votes.
