The Saddest Day of Chica's Life

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“Father leaves Chica?? Father abandons Chica like the garbage????”


The fact that this is the most stressful day of Chicas life means she lives in the lap of luxury. Mark and Amy are great pet parents.


Finding out that Chica’s head is completely empty at all times was the best thing to come out of Distractible


Poor Chica, she gained Mark's loud, "NO!" 😭😂


I don't think Chica panicked because she was being left behind, but because she was being left behind for *Henry* 😅


I love the fact that just mid dramatic she realises that she can just go over there, but ONLY because Mark reminded her that she could.


I want this story completely animated 😂


I'd like to think Chica's evolution went into overdrive and she developed vocal cords JUST to yell at mark!!


I love how Marks hair kinda moves like floppy dog ears when he moves his head, making his impersonation of Chica, the floofiest of doggos, even more authentic.


My grandpa did something similar to his cat named Tiger. Grandpa lives in the open country and would take walks on the lane around his property. Part of his property is an orchard in the back. He normally walked down the lane to the orchard and back and Tiger would follow while staying on the property instead of getting on the road. Tiger would then wait at the orchard for Grandpa to turn around and walk back. One day as a joke Grandpa walked down the road to the orchard as usual with Tiger following on the property. Instead of turning back Grandpa walked further down the road to the highway and circled back to the house the long way around. Tiger stayed at the orchard unaware that Grandpa had changed his route. Later grandma looked out the kitchen window and spotted Tiger still sitting at the orchard waiting for Grandpa. She ordered Grandpa to go get Tiger. So Grandpa drove down the back pasture in his car down to the orchard, opened the car door behind Tiger and said "What're doing there, stupid?" Tiger immediately jumped like he'd seen a ghost and yowled at Grandpa all the way back to the house like he was scolding him.


Chica had never been more alone in her life 😔


i love how every duo of dogs has the one burdened with too many thoughts and the one with absolutely nothing inside their heads


I have a 17yo cat named Charlie, and his brain is about the size of couscous and smoother than polished marble. He doesn't really care for my mom, but he doesn't like being left alone. So, she left for work one morning, and Charlie seemed to have forgotten my dad and I exist, so as soon as the door shut i heard the most gut-wrenching, heartbroken, in my entire life. I laughed so hard Charlie remembered i existed and ran upstairs, sat himself in the middle of my bedroom floor, and screamed at me for 5 minutes.
(Don't feel bad for him because he's geriatric he plays with the kitten we cursed him with and he has a favorite mouse toy that he zooms around the house with, yowling in happiness. He is also prone to 3-hour-long soliloquies in the middle of the living room for no particular reason. Our kitten has started attacking him 20 minutes in to get him to shut up. She doesn't understand how relentless he is.)


I love how red Wade's face and head get when he laughs.


We had a cat a couple years ago who had a nasty habit of sneaking out of the porch to have a wander around the neighborhood. We often knew he’d escaped because the door wouldn’t close all the way. We’d go out and call for him and he’d come trotting back inside. But sometimes the door shut behind him so we wouldn’t notice he was gone until he came home and started meowing to be let in.

So one night we’re all going to bed and someone asks where the cat is. We look everywhere and he’s just completely gone. The first place we checked was the door—it was closed—called his name and shook the treat bag, nothing. After not finding him anywhere, i had a hunch and went back out on the porch and calmly opened the door a bit and then SLAMMED it shut.

A few seconds later i hear the frantic pitter patter of little paws running to the door and see our little troublemaker looking as though he was saying “I’m here! I’m here! Don’t lock me out!!!”

It was very cute; thankfully nothing ever happened to him and he eventually got tired of the novelty of the outdoors. He’s no longer with us, but this story reminded me of him :)


Poor, poor Chica, Mark, you are a cruel bastard


Chica Fischbach is truly the most pampered princess of all doggos. As she should be.


oh poor girl, she's not got a whole lot going on upstairs but her hearts in the right place. She is SUCH a retriever to like 130% She would have NO CHANCE in the wild or with someone less patient lol I wonder how she would be in a dog park she'd be either living or lost


The fact that this is the worst day in Chica's life shows just how good of a dog owner Mark is. o7


Lets just hope that Chica does not take Mark to court for emotional manipulation or something like that.
