That awkward moment between the Obamas and Trumps at the Bush funeral

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An awkward moment between a former US president and the current one was caught on camera during the state funeral of George H.W Bush on 5 December 2018. President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump can be seen arriving at the site. In the video, he shakes hands with former president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama while the Clintons looked straight ahead.

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Michelle gave him one cold handshake I must say. Cold as ice. But, that's women for ya.


If they shook hands it was their own choice to do so which is why the clintons didn't because they don't have to force themselves. All this video show's powerful political figures paying their respects. Giving their farewells to a man who's duty was to keep this great country moving forward no matter what challenges surfaced.


Can’t you liberals and conservatives just get along?


At least TRUMP had the courtesy to greet --- that Kenyan and his ManWoman not ...


WHY wouldn't it be an "awkward moment"? Of course it was gonna be awkward and would have ONLY gotten WORSE had Trump kept going "until" he got to the Carters but that wasn't going to happen because the Clinton's were sitting next to former President Carter and there was "no way" Trump was gonna reach over them. If you watched the video closely, then you'd see that "at least Bill" smiled as Trump was greeting the Obama's. I give him Kudos for that but then Bill quickly realized that was going to be the end of the pleasantries by Trump. In contrast, Hillary wouldn't even look, but was totally aware of what Trump was doing. She remained ice cold faced and laser focused on staring straight ahead. And frankly, I don't blame her because for the first time in her pathetic life, she now realizes there is a very good chance she will be indicted and "probably" sent to prison for a very long time. Would you be chummy with the guy who is about to put you there? Same thing is gonna happen to Obama but he is "such" a phony self absorbed person that he actually believes he is going to get off scot free for his crimes. News flash GONNA HAPPEN. Yes, that brief exchange spoke volumes of what is to come for BOTH the Obama's and the Clinton's. It's gonna "play out" exactly the way it's supposed to only this will be doing the exposing and GOD will be getting involved in the judicial process. IT'S COMING ALRIGHT!
