i became a FURRY...

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this is quite possibly the worst thing i have ever done...

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☞ podcast: @dramamama
☞ snapchat: ben_wut
☞ tiktok: benoftheweek

hi! i'm ben and i'm 22 and from canada
camera - iphone 12 lol
fave song - DOJA - $NOT
fave show - euphoria
fave game - team fortress 2

thank u tibo for filming king

in this video i become a furry
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Let’s appreciate that Ben literally flew all the way to Germany to be a furry 💀


Let's just appreciate how Ben is not embarrassed to be CRAWLING ON THE GROUND IN FRONT OF SO MANY PEOPLE. We love your antics Ben.


As a furry that is horrible to be a fellow furry sending death threats to a guy just bc he doesn't like furrys


the part where Ben started crawling and hissing around gave me more anxiety then drinking 10 large cups of coffee LOL


Sometimes ben is mean, nice, homeless, or a furry...but we still love him

Edit: tysm for the likes I just woke up and saw thissss

Tristo is a bum. <3

Also just checked the comments i'm a woman.

Using my friends account,


I was DYING of embarrassment when you were hissing and crawling on the ground, your confidence is amazing


As a furry (who recently got back into the hobby) - you just met the wrong kinds of ones!! We don't think we are animals nor in anyway is it valid to send DEATH THREATS to someone calling one odd. That is incredibly awful to receive them, and maybe calling someone odd is not the nicest thing, you were a kid Ben! I'm (nearly) 15 and i still say silly things too <3 i hope just because you met a very small percentage of what some peoples' hobbies are that if you see something strange or weird, it isn't generalized to the entirety of people who just wanna express theirselves and have fun!!

From what I've been apart of I've met such lovely people, made friends and just a small hobby like this can change people's lives, I don't think I've actually been happier than when I went to conventions a few years ago with my friends and we just had fun, just enjoying being kids! We are a weird and wonderful species - humans!!

Much love to you Ben <3


''i saw babies get sacrificed to these monsters'' got me laughing 1:20


ben is so socially awkward he can just turn it into a comedy 😂😂


The audacity and the confidence he has to do this...I could never...I would cry and my crippling anxiety would just kill me💀


As a furry, bro, Goodluck surviving with the toxic ones, I’ve been in this community for a year, and I’ve already been betrayed.


im a furry and i would like to apologize on behalf of the furry community for saying such rude and scary things. we get bullied and hurt by us enjoying ourselves and some people try to act as though they are tougher. it's valid to see us as odd or weird, we just like expressing our interests. we do not believe we are animals, the fursuits are simply cosplay to our original characters. i hope anyone with a reasonable mind can apologize as well for treating you poorly for your curiosity and intent. we hate haters as much as the next person and we don't want to be misunderstood as these people who are mentally ill and bark at people and pretend we are animals. we also don't like being recorded without permission as well as someone without a fursuit. it invades our privacy because the fursuits are once again our original character so a person can be identified through their suit and the details. i hope this doesn't happen again and you can understand where we're coming from, thank you


I can’t believe he actually crawled around like that in public. Bro’s dedication is immaculate.


Love how ben somehow ended up being the weirdest person there and the furries were relatively normal lol


Help how tf are furries acting like their all harmless, and cute, when they were sending a 16 y/o death threats??


I’m a furry, and I’m sorry those furries did that, they really shouldn’t have done that


The minute Ben started crawling and hissing I lost it. Your videos never fail to make me laugh. I’m not joking I’m so thankful for your videos. Your sense of humour is everything. Keep it up!


Props to him. Bro flew all the way to Germany and became a furry for our entertainment. Respect


(This comment is up to date so..)
If you don’t wanna see these disgusting things I recommend going to a kid, friendly furcon. You will see younger audience and also kinder audience. And more appropriate things. With your suit, you can either get one customized or you can buy one from a maker. You also have an option to make one by yourself like I did. I put the work into it because my mom bought all the things that went into it. So yeah if you wanna be a furry, it’s a lot of work. And to be let into fursuit only places you need at least a tail, paws, or a fursuit head. Usually, the only thing you need is a fursuit head but I just recommend getting tail paws and the head to make it look better. As long as you’re willing to put all the time and effort into being a furry then there’s absolutely no problem with it.


Bro the part when he said that his grandma died half way thru making him a fury suit is hilarious
