What Are The 5 Factors of Infertility? - SLUCare Restorative Fertility Clinic

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SLUCare OB/GYN and restorative fertility specialist explains the five major factors of infertility. The 5 factors include the Male factor, the female factor, cervical factor, the sexual factor and anatomical factor. In the SLUCare Restorative Fertility Clinic, Dr. Patrick Yeung takes a unique approach to infertility treatment. Dr. Yeung and his team use a fertility-care approach based on NaProTECHNOLOGY that:
investigates why the couple is having trouble getting pregnant, treats the root causes of the couple's infertility and works with the woman's cycle to enable her to conceive naturally.


To schedule an appointment with a SLUCare physician, please call (314) 977-4440.

SLUCare Physician Group is a patient-centered network of more than 500 health care providers on staff at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. As part of an academic medical practice, SLUCare physicians are experts in their respective fields, providing specialty care for even the most complex medical conditions. SLUCare physicians practice in 47 different hospitals and clinics throughout the St. Louis region, making high-quality, advanced care convenient for you and your family.
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