Ionic React JS AWS Amplify Authentication CRUD Tutorial Part 2, Working With Datastore

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Ionic React JS AWS Amplify Authentication CRUD Tutorial Part 2, Working With Datastore
#ionic #reactjs #amplify #aws #datastore
Integrate AWS Amplify with Ionic React JS - this is part one of a series of video about using AWS Amplify with React JS and Ionic Framework. We will utilize the new Amplify Admin UI, Create Models and some relationships and then finally deploy the application to Amazon for hosting.
00:00 - Introduction
01:12 - Whats in this video
01:45 - Some Clean Up From Last Video, Title Change, Component Refactoring &
03:41 - Subscribe to Data Changes to Keep List Updated
05:24 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Setting Up The Modal
10:49 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Setting Up The Modal Input Fields with useRef
13:41 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Handling Data Response From the Modal
15:15 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Integrating AWS Amplify Datastore for Saving Task
18:17 - Deleting Tasks To DataStore - Update the UI with Buttons
19:48 - Deleting Tasks To DataStore - Integrating AWS Amplify Datastore for Deleting Task
21:50 - Wrap Up and What's Next
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#ionic #reactjs #aws #react #crud #tutorial #ionicframework #amplify #database #sql #awscloud
Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"
#ionic #reactjs #amplify #aws #datastore
Integrate AWS Amplify with Ionic React JS - this is part one of a series of video about using AWS Amplify with React JS and Ionic Framework. We will utilize the new Amplify Admin UI, Create Models and some relationships and then finally deploy the application to Amazon for hosting.
00:00 - Introduction
01:12 - Whats in this video
01:45 - Some Clean Up From Last Video, Title Change, Component Refactoring &
03:41 - Subscribe to Data Changes to Keep List Updated
05:24 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Setting Up The Modal
10:49 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Setting Up The Modal Input Fields with useRef
13:41 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Handling Data Response From the Modal
15:15 - Adding Tasks To DataStore - Integrating AWS Amplify Datastore for Saving Task
18:17 - Deleting Tasks To DataStore - Update the UI with Buttons
19:48 - Deleting Tasks To DataStore - Integrating AWS Amplify Datastore for Deleting Task
21:50 - Wrap Up and What's Next
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#ionic #reactjs #aws #react #crud #tutorial #ionicframework #amplify #database #sql #awscloud
Please watch: "Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor"