Personal Search for the Meaning of the Atonement

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This speech by W. Cleon Skousen was given in December of 1980 at a Missionary Zone Conference in Dallas Texas.
version 2018-1
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Totally unhearalded, in assuming, humble follower of Christ. So kind. He told me one day of calls from the prophet to his home, and conversations about his writings, and their purpose., yet he never held significant positions in Church leadership. He said his calling was to write, and write he did. He was a delightful speaker and teacher of Christ. I will forever be thankful for his influence in my life.


He should have been called as a GA. We gained tons of k nowledge from him in our mission.


One of the greatest sermons ever given on planet earth


That was incredible... This man changed the direction of my life.


First listened to Dr. Skousen as a Missionary in Northern California at a Zone Conference in 1974. He Gave an incredible set of presentations that included reviewing the first 19 Chapters of Genesis, the Book of Mormon, the Atonement, and from that determined to take his Old Testament Class once I returned and attended B.Y.U . From that I had determined at some point to listen to his lectures on tape recordings, on the Miracle of the Constitution. When I first listened to them I was dubious and a skeptic, believing that this was just a BYU Religion Professor's view of the history of the founding of this great nation. Being the skeptic, I immediately went to the library and checked out what was about a 2 foot tall stack of books on the founding of the nation. To my great surprise, he was not only correct in his recitations, but he was contextually correct. Same thing was true when I first heard him talk about a "modern-day Jonah" a sailor swalled by a whale, who lived to tell about it. Same thing when he shared that Columbus on his first voyage to the West Indies arrived on the island of Haiti, and was greeted by a group of over 100 Nephites (white race of people). I was afforded the privilege of introducing him at a Constitutional symposium being held at the Utah State Capital Annex building many years ago.


I first heard this talk in the 80s as a teenager. I had this tape and kept it with me for years. It is the best talk on the Atonement of Christ that reached me unlike any other. It ties all of the scriptures together to better understand element, intelligence, light, mercy, justice, etc. Listen to it 2 or 3 times to have the depth of the Atonement really sink in on a personal level.


I first hear this on tape. It's even better seeing him speak in person.


This pandemic and mans inhumanity to man has hardened my heart. I will try harder, to please The Lord through renewed obedience to the Gospel and love (respect) for my brothers and sisters who have spiritual amnesia...


Posting this talk is a great blessing to every soul that listens.


I've listened to this talk several times over the years. I still learned more this time, than last. I never met him but he is a brother I truly love. This is such a great talk, my words can't express my feelings. I thank the Lord for teaching this humble man. Let's all go forth and teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, as best we can. My heart is full.


One of the most impactful talks I've ever heard. Listened to it many times on the mission. Great to see video along with it!


I think I got most his references, apologize if I missed some, enjoy

Mark 14:36
Luke 22:44
DC  19:15-19
2Ne 2:14
DC 93:29-30, 33
Abr 3:19-23
DHC 4:519
JD 7:2
Abr 4:9, 12, 18
Hel 12:3-18
Jacob 4:6
1Ne 20:13
DC 88:38-42
DC 29:36
Alma 42:13, 22, 25
Mormon 9:19
Alma 34:9
2Ne 9:7-9
Alma 34:11, 14
DC 45:3


I've listened to this dozens of times but have never seen the video. Thank you!


Thank you for posting this video online. What a gem 💎, I didn’t know they had a recording of it. Read this while on my mission, I was half way thru my mission when my zone leader hand me this talk and said to me… I don’t share this talk w everyone, but I feel that you’re one who can take it. It has an immediate impact on me, one of the most influential piece I have ever ran across. The atonement has never been more clear!!!


Thanks so much for posting this. This talk is a treasure.


I had the blessing if getting to know this gentle man just prior to his completion of his mortality. He invited my wife and I to his home to discuss the Gospel. What a wonderful experience! He was totally genuinely interested in us.


I love Brother Skousen's voice and his teaching.


I LOVVVvvve finding this video of the audio that a dear Sister shared with me... that I have listened to and shared NUMEROUS TIMES. Thank you so VERY MUCH, Harold! I met Dr. Cleon Skousen years ago more than once and was so honored to also lecture with him and to be on the very same circuit. in Provo, UT. My Topic was the New Age One World Religion and how it relates to the New World Order and his was on the New World Order One World Government, of course, together, they are the Antichrist Beast System that is happening right now in America and throughout the world. We must keep our HOPE IN THE SAVIOR ALIVE & the GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE through HIS ATONEMENT in the coming days as we SEEK HIS HOLY FACE and look for His return as the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS!


First time I read this talk was back in late 80’s. This is a treasure really.


Makes me appreciate my Saviour all the more knowing what He went through for my salvation.
