FOR AUDIOPHILES? Marantz Model 40N Amplifier Review

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The Model 40N is Marantz latest amplifier. It combines a class A/B amplifier, phonostage, DAC, and the HEOS streaming module. Could this be the one box solution that many audiophiles have been looking for?

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Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:31 Design & features
5:42 Technical insights
9:45 Sound quality
12:44 Setup & partnering equipment
16:18 Conclusion
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As founder and President of ISATC*, I approve of this review. *International Society for the Advancement of Tone Controls


Man, you have got such a soothing voice and a semi philosophical attitude that I keep watching your videos even after I bought my final stereo system (I am not suffering from GAS - gear acquisition syndrome :-)


I’m a fan of having separates,
I think DACs and streaming platforms/technology is only getting better and more affordable, separates also allows me to customise my sound preferences better!

That said, as all in one amps go, these Marantz Amps are great value!

So great review are always Taran!


I do love my Marantz kit. Thank you very much for this in-depth and precise review of this equipment. You remain a very trustworthy and reliable source for outstanding audio product information and advice. Your time and effort are always greatly appreciated. Stay well, Sir.


For people such as myself, who have better hearing in one ear than the other, balance controls are very welcome. I wish more amplifier manufacturers would take this into consideration. Thank you for taking the time to make this video, I enjoyed it very much.


Don’t have to wonder what club I belong to Tarun. I follow the purist philosophy and for good reason. Extracting all that any media has to give and forgiving not for media that doesn’t measure up is the way to go. Some do not agree and I also understand their side as they tend to want to enjoy their gear in a different way. I’ve been on both sides of this fence. It is up to individual taste and what one conceives as to what choice is to be made. There are many factors to consider. Each carries a certain weight and how far the wallet and tastes can bare. There is not any one correct choice as this is a hobby of individual desire for any given price point. As we grow in our journey our choices can change and mature. Hopefully our wallets may open and find we can get that component we want if we sacrifice somewhere else. Choices are ours to make regardless. Each must choose their own path. We have you Tarun to open our minds and educate us. This guidance is helpful. The magazines were the guide or salespersons in stores back in the day. Opinions vary. We must also choose who to guide us in our journey. This is where Tarun comes in. He brings honesty and integrity into the mix. Sure we know where he stands, but he isn’t trying to hide his choices either. Respect for this honesty and openness goes to him. Anyone you choose, you must trust in them. Otherwise, why bother. Knowing when and who to trust is important. Go for the honest ones. Let them know your expectations and they are better to guide you. My choices are based on ability to reveal the truth in any media. This is hard as the media becomes the limiting factor. You want easy, go elsewhere. The truth is sometimes harder on your ears. Choices can help and so can trustworthy people. Listen to Tarun. He can help!


Not my style neither my sound but always a pleasure to watch your reviews 👌 I would like to see more amps without DAC or streamer and just focus on their main job..


Love the look of this and the warm, rich sound would be very appealing to me but I really wish they would add a loudness control. My main system is built around a Yamaha R-N803D which is perfect for me as I stream music and listen mainly via Airplay. The 803 does this superbly but the main reason I love it is the loudness control. When not listening at the usual high levels of volume where the 803 really shines, I can happily sit with it at low volumes without losing the lows and highs. The music remains warm, rich and full of timbre even when just running as background music. Just turning the music down as normal and the music sounds thin and is not enjoyable. I have found this with all amplifiers I have owned. Please add a loudness control. Great review as usual 👍🏻


Looking forward to your Elac UBR62's review! They're my main speakers for some time now, and I am I'm really happy with them. They have this smooth and relaxing tone to them, without skimping on the detail department. Just what I was looking for. Imaging and Soundstage are also very good. They lack a bit in the bass department (I'm on the market for a subwoofer), but mids and highs are very good. Also I think they aren't that great in low volumes; they really start to come alive when one reaches reasonable volumes. They aren't very picky with gear or placement. Being front ported helps, i guess. I bought them new for 650 euros, I think it was a great deal!


Liked the bit of Marantz history, my 30+ year old PM84 mk2 is still going strong and sounding great with Proac D20r’s.
Cost me about £580 back in the late 80s😀 great review.


I recently purchased the model 40N together with Monitor Audio gold 100 5g bookshelf speakers. I am considering the addition of Primare DD15 CD Transport. Is it worth adding a DAC such as the DENAFRIPS ARES II?


Excellent review. If I were to upgrade from my Cambridge CX81, this would be on the short list. May get to actually hear this amp tomorrow while at Axpona, which is a show happening this weekend in the Chicagoland area. Thanks again, great review.


Hi Tarun. Another well balanced review as expected.

I'm a huge fan of Marantz gear, I still have a vintage tuner 2060ML which I purchased in 1979. It still sounds the biz.

There are two camps of hi-fi users (audiophiles if you like). Those that love to dance around from the first note, or I coined a phrase "instant impact", with amps such as Naim, Cyrus and suchlike. However, over longer listening sessions this 'get up and go' presentation can grate on you. And there's those where the sound slowly envelops your senses, great to live with. Marantz falls into the latter. Very few companies can combine to the two.

Little bit disappointed the late great Ken Ishiwata isn't mentioned as his influence with Marantz goes back years.

Am I a purist? No, but I like a certain sound that you can enjoy for hours a day without reaching for the painkillers.

In that respect I don't class myself as a true audiophile - the music comes first then buy the best system I can afford.

Big fan fan of Marantz amps but never purchased one, despite demoing many budget and midrange models over the years.


Great breakdown, Tarun. Point to make is that this is an ideal all in one unit someone can hook up to a TV, add speakers and more or less it just works. I found it very user friendly and engaging although I ended up going with quad separates.


I agree with everyone’s comments about your thoroughness and transparency. I’m very new to the hobby and would like reviews to include playing through headphones as well.


I decided to get rid of my separate amp, DAC and headphone amp, (and Roon); and replaced them with a Naim Uniti Atom - I got a 30% discount on a new one!. Does everything I need really well and sounds superb. No more faff with updating Roon every 10 days! and it looks really cool as well.


Just like you were prejudice about Cambridge Audio, after owing Marantz PM4000 i was done with this and moved on to Arcam and Audiolab, , thanks for a informative video Cheers Tarun


Hello from the United States. I so enjoy your reviews. I learn a great deal and am always entertained. Thank you.


Tarun….LOVED the history of Marantz and the wonderful imagery!!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 The whole video could have been that for me! I am definitely in the purist camp w/all separates here, for my music listening . I have a tube preamp, powerful SS power amp, R2R DAC, dedicated streamer, etc. That being said Marantz handles my AVR duties and I own a silver Marantz SACD 30n for my disc spinning which includes that incredible styling of this 40n Amp. It also has a HEOS Streamer onboard which I use with my Amazon music subscription, at times. Like you said….I just LOVE all the choices and flavors that we have out there.
GREAT full-bodied review!


I left the purist sound in the early 90's as my children were getting to the age that movies were a big deal, so A/V 5.1 was an answer with sound still a 50% interest. I still am an A/V person with the Marantz 8015 as my go to and it is programed for two set ups: 2 channel LFE at 145w/channel, and 7.2.4 at 100w/channel. That programmable ability is what convinced me to buy it when it first came out and my serial #42 is proof. lol
