| The FV4005 is FINE | World of Tanks Modern Armor |

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Today I got over the Cold War FV4005 in @WorldofTanksModernArmor again. In my opinion, this tank is fine as is. All you need to do is learn its weaknesses and exploit them.

X: @RikitikitaveWoT
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As an experienced player I don’t see the tank as individually overpowered, but FV4005’s often flood the matchmaking and when you’ve got 4-5 per team you’ve got a problem. Change up the matchmaker so that only 2 per team make it onto the roster like with arty in ww2.


I think the IS4m is a welcome addition to era 1. I've bounced FV4005 shells off the front of my IS4m.


1 or 2 per game I don’t mind. But when there’s 14 of them in a match it goes to far.


I think the main reason I would agree that it's unbalanced is the fact it's so much easier to do really well in it compared to other tanks. In Era 1, I think I've got 10k plus base damage more times than I can count. The play style is so simple, yet extremely rewarding. It's easy saying it's big and has no armour, but if it's fully concealed, shooting across the map and hitting 1k plus damage each shot, there's not much you can do. And with it being as fast as a medium, it can out-manuever or match tanks that SHOULD be able to get behind it and take it out. Some ideas I have for maybe taking it down a notch would be nerfing the mobility and camo. The gun should stay strong, that's fine. However...I think it should have it's camo be in the area of 220-250m (given it's HUGE) and maybe remove the top engine. I think the second engine would give it similar speed to the Obj 268, it's direct competitor, and would mean it's unable to thunder round the map as fast, blasting newbies left, right and centre! Sorry for a long rant, but I don't know how to summarise what I mean into a smaller comment. 😂


Only problem I have is when there are 4-5-6-7 of them! war gaming should limit them to 2-3 at most in a game!


I believe the gun is fine, the problem for me personally is the mobility/camo. Seeing how it goes around cruising at 60 km/h is stupid, especially when you look at the WW2 version. The WW2 version goes 38 km/h, while the CW version goes 56. Why is it different? Just because its Cold War? I think a reasonable speed to nerf it to is 50 km/h max, if not 40-45. Also the camo rating is so dumb for how enormous it is, there's a reason why its called the Sh*tbarn and not the Sh*tcabin.


If the rock crawler can be era 2 then the fv4005 can era 2 as well


Yeah it's so balanced, that nobody plays any other td in era 1 😂


It’s one of if not the most unbalanced tank in CW, in my opinion. The speed, concealment and the ability to one shot someone WITHOUT being spotted and being able to pop smoke and run away at 60kph are the reasons why I almost never play era 1, not to mention there are often more than 3 of them per team. Me and most people know how to and have defeated it, but it’s way easier said than done.

I respect your opinion and you have valid points but 70% of the player base including me think it’s not balanced, and WG should listen to the majority. It’s easy to say how simple could defeating it be, it’s another story to put that theory into practice and actually defeat them.

Also, this is not criticism but rather a suggestion, that if you want to prove a tank is not overpowered you shouldn’t be playing that tank and get MVP in it, rather playing another tank to show how to defeat 6 FV4005’s on a single team and still get MVP.


2 things for me. 1st. CW has no arty. Many CW players enjoy /like this absence. The 4005 is a defacto Arty for Era 1. Yes there are other TD's that can see, fire, hit and damage across a map with 8x zoom but nothing hits like the 4005. It brings back memories of Arty. Getting smacked early whilst moving into position and bang, health basically gone, game over before it starts. 2nd. Match Making. You are correct MM is not a tank OP problem. In 2024 game play /approach /attitude is vastly different to Build 5.0. Sadly. Packs of any vehicles or types is very bad for balanced game play. For CW 2 TD's per side would be ideal. (2 to 3 Lights, then 50/50 split Mediums and Heavies). Its the oversupply of 4005's and if/when they wolf pack together that brings feelings of OP rather than actual single OP. Much like when packs of Pz. V/IV's rampaged about in Tier 5 when platoons had 5 members per team. Its the MM that needs to be addressed 1st, to stop game imbalance.


8:30 " I don't know why the Matchmaker put so many of them in a match"

Maybe it's because the vehicle is overpowered and everybody is abusing it with hesh because you can do damage wherever you shoot


The trouble is era 1 is the beginner era for cold war. It is literally where new players are put first. The fv4005 can one shot a t44 with a hesh round relatively easily. All is needed in general is a nerf on all tds camo like the light tanks got. If you want new players to stay having them nuked by a tank they cant see wont encourage it and the player base will keep on falling. Yes there is true vision but if you don't expect it you wont see that pixel in the distance. At least if they were being spotted easier they wouldn't be able to snipe so easily. There is a reason it is the most played tank in the entire game the next tank being played less then 25% of the time which I think is the fv107 and it is permanently the highest marking tank in era 1. It would be more suitable for era 2 as there is less new players around.


The 4005 already had its nerf when the alpha on the HESH was reduced to 1450 from 1650 for the WWII version, which later carried over to the CW variant. That was the nerf that suddenly made the AP rounds relevant, and the ammo swapper a blessing. Is it frustrating to get nailed in the engine deck of your Challenger with a HESH round and lose most of your health only to slowly burn to death at the beginning of a match? Certainly (especially since you no that I... er... the 4005 driver was cackling with mad glee as... he watched you burn). But that high alpha comes at a price, both figuratively and literally.


I quite like era 1. Sometimes getting ammo racked by missiles multiple times in just a few games can get a bit boring. When I see hesh barns I love to load up H.E!


I agree that the FV4005 is not unbalanced; the problem is the matchmaking. I have played countless games where the teams are stacked with seven of them each, game after game, almost all night. A few times there have even been eight per team. My father played a game where there were nine of them on each team. Personally, I believe that three per team is where the sweet spot is at, as it provides enought of a challenge to be fun while not feeling as though you're just meat for the noob tubes.


Yeah, the FV4005 is definitely not balanced. There is literally no other Era 1 vehicle that has the same impact to a game that the FV4005 has

The problem with it isn't necessarily its high alpha, it's the fact it is so flexible and fast for a 183mm platform and is incredibly stealthy with a camo build (which you don't take advantage of) for its size


I think the reason why there's a lot of TD's in the games cuz you got the contracts going on like the Roswell which are using TD's. I know I keep doing the contract over and over just to get the commander Steve the alien.


The FV4005 has the highest MOE requirement by a far margin. 8.7% higher than the 2nd place tank. It could be nerfed and still be the best Era 1 tank. It probably gets played five times as much as other tanks as well. Why? because you have an advantage by playing it. Many players will have an average of 50 battles in their Era 1 tanks. Yet about 250 battles in their FV4005.


well maybe they should make it as it performed in tests.. LOL.. turret at 90degrees tank falls over when gun fires that would be hilarious


Apart from the size and lack of armour, it's a bit too good. I've one shot multiple tanks (heavys included) and as my second most played tank, my average dmg and WR is by far the highest of any of the tanks I've played. Tho I play it more for fun and enjoyment so doing well isn't even what I aim for in this tank
