Ohio State Trooper Administers Epipen for Woman Going into Anaphylactic Shock

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IN THE NICK OF TIME: A state trooper administered epipen for a woman suffering anaphylactic shock.
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He was amazing and clearly knew HOW to use it. Bless her heart she had never used it before and he was fantastic.


this is whats called a rational man who paid attention and noticed very quickly the issue and knew what to do. we need more like him as cops


No one shows the good that law enforcement officers do. Thank for this video


Omg I’m in tears. This shit is so scary and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy 😢


“Sit down”, he says.
Meanwhile, an inch and a half steel rod is still lodged deep in her muscle ripping it apart as her leg bends


She is right in front of the hospital. Maybe the doctors could have come outside instead of sending the police?


the officer at the end: welp u are under arrest.


Good on him if he wasnt aware prior to stopping to help


Thank you to our police for all they do.😊


Good officer did right step on side of it not above cause there nerves there to been damange. Hold for 10sec and message it in after...repeat after 5min without any medical help did arrive normally you got two epipens


These type of videos showing public employees doing their jobs without violence, discrimination or ego are fare and few between


She was not going into anaphylactic shock. As someone who works in the ER, I have seen numerous people going into real anaphylactic shock, and this wasn't it. She was fine. Most of what was causing her problem was anxiety/panic.


Note the rapid shallow breathing. Panic. No inhalers, no practice, all alone, away from home.

She's lucky to be conscious and not having her lips tongue and throats so swollen she cant speak nor breath.

Seek out info on deep belly breathing and accompanying relaxing technique.

Sounds silly when in anaphylactic shock or an asthma COPD breathing attack like that.

Of course the epi pen on hand makes most sense as does avoiding insults that aggravate, and optimization of drug regimen.

A peak flows meter, diary and biofeedback goes a long way and can send up a yellow light before things turn red, or blacking out.

Who knows why or what i actually happening, if indeed the diagnosis is correct.

But for many chronic diseases or when acutes flare ups happen, this breathing method can be as effective as various OTHER drug therapies.

The US VA medical system did good study on this and extensive material on it is at their site and picked up else where.

CHF, hypertension, anxiety, asthma, and othee5 common maladies may be helped this way and thus limiting meds and ER or EMT support, which is often lacking or not available and shall only get worse.
7 million die of air pollution related exacerbations.

Heart disease is#1 killer.

If cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness wa higher and body mass was normal we'd be more resistant to disease.

Less life in the ocean and on ground making ozygen and more non breathable gases from combustion and methane clathrate brakes down en masse is NOT helping nor are goals for hundreds of thousands of rocket launches for satellites which cause all kinds of hell in the air and everywhere including the fall out from returning burnt bits of space junk and old satellites. Many chemical chain reactions from a myriad of rocket fules and none of it benign.

Of 40k killed by guns half are suicide half of half isnt necessarily intentional but plenty violent, yet a fraction of what is top 10 likely to kill in the US.

#3 is medication

2 of the top 10 killers are due to medical intervention which includes those adverse drug reactions amd side effects and med errors.

Near misses arent tracked well.

The ADR system sucks inthe US and might capture 1% of events.

So if 50k reported dead by DoD Phr ma r na shots, it may be more like 5 million, US!

So lower the insults and improve immunity.

Treat your body like a temple as much as is possible. If not you may end up with bills plus unpayable interest including decades of disability and am early grave.

Its forecasted public health and safety in the US shall b moribund especially within 5 years, except maybe, if you are in the top 10% or likely higher and in the RIGHT metro areas.

Thank your elected officials and pig headed fellow citizens that prefer fascism and end stage crony capitalist communism over a functional social democracy that actual believes in healthul prosperity, air, water and soil.

Pay now with wisdom or pay later by working till death do you part or by getting rich my way you can at the demise of thw rest of the planet.

BS Jobs jobs jobs on the Global plantation unless you are of the unexploited caste of less than 0.01%

Otherwise exploited or irrelevant to that 0.01%, in general, to T H E Y at least, from D ∆ V 0s to ∆ s pen sets.

Have a nice daze, in the haze and brown silver blue like skies, CON★FUsEd.

But remember,
T H E Y care‽


I needed to see this. Too many more times we see the ugly side of law enforcement and not cops doing good things for people.
