Shifting Global Power: A conversation with George Friedman

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We speak to George Friedman, founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures and best selling author of "The Next 100 Years", about the balance of power in the world. Will the US continue to dominate global power? How important is China?

#GlobalPower #China #US
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George is right that Belt and Road is a PR move but he’s missing the point that it isn’t really about selling products but about having a connection to the energy resources of countries like Turkmenistan, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, etc


Belt and road isn’t about a highway through Central’s much bigger and involves ocean shipping.


America has lost already in Africa due to Chinese economic expansion. While in Europe we already have governments that are starting to not listen to America by not letting it control their energy trade with Russia. Countries like Italy germany Hungary, but soon more will follow.


Here George is not forthcoming stating that the US is not concerned about growing China's influence around the world. China, as a predominantly land power, is trying to create an alternative to the US (a sea power nation) commercial domination of the world economy. The US woke up a bit late; about 10 years late. Now, it is playing a catch up game that will be very costly.


He pointed out that China has no way to gain hegemony over the seas (and thereby security over their means of trade). I was under the impression that the reason why they are pushing belt & road is to achieve more control over their trade routes.

Friedman seems to think that it's not worth the cost, but it does somewhat make things easier for them to avoid American interference.

I would say that he is incorrect about China being isolated, however. They have been colonising parts of South East Asia, Africa and South America, buying up failed socialist states on the cheap to project power into those regions. I think that this is the point that Friedman most failed to address.


You have to have a vast understanding of history and geopolitics to understand George Friedman's perspective. Most of the people on the comment board don't know anything about either and are most likely brought up reading newspapers.


I personally agree with Friedmans's point of views and the points he makes, especially for the Middle East and Eurasia. But I think this was a bit different than usually.


George Friedman v Chris Hedges live would be a blockbuster!


Trucks on the Silk Road makes no sense but high speed trains with cargo does. China will “help” all the counties along the routs to develop infrastructure in turn they will be creating new markets and economies for their goods. The one belt road idea is good and will work over time to help develop central and Western Asia and grow Chinese markets for exports.


Land route is manifestation of Euroasian land power.


Democracy and freedom for all chinese people..end ccp


Here's another fundamental problem with China's plans for increasing industrial output in the 21st century.

Given the facts that:
1. Modern manufacturing processes are increasingly automated
2. The primary remaining industries that require mostly human labor are textiles and construction, with automation steadily creeping into those spaces.

So now you have a labor sector in the hundreds of millions who are increasingly being replaced with emerging automated manufacturing technologies that are not only expected by consumers, but necessary to remain competitive.

This is as true for the Chinese domestic consumption market, as well as the export market China needs in order to even have an economy at all.

So how do they innovate out of this combination of impending demographic winter, automation replacing workers in tech in an excess labor supply market, with plenty of textiles labor supply in competing ASEAN nations?


China is not building a economic road towards Europe, its a road for there army troops. They cant go trough the air nor the sea, they go by land. A new road to rome.


Should’ve asked him about Turkey? Friedman as a Jew well understands rise of Islam and Muslims and how it will change the Middle East vis-a-vis Israel. Challenges turkey is facing security or economic is to stop that, but Allah will fulfill his plan and promise to us.


Friedman's kind of fallen off the face of the planet. Once insightful, his age is showing I think. Nothing really new here.


Presentation made out of an american perspective. Control of the sea routs... is only important as long as you transport to america. With 60% of americans living on paycheck to paycheck I wouldnt go for that market.

Protect new silk road with chinees soldiers... dont think so, they dont have a military industrial complex in the american way who push for "protection and saftey" to increse revenue.


He doesn’t look like the expert you mentioned. He seems to me as an undereducated Russophobe and chinophobe .


What happens if it becomes dangerous to send good by sea?
Would a road then make more sense?


1:19 Hatalı alt yazı. "It is not able to *project* its power" diyor.


Boring ~ another desperate western "expert" trying his best to make sure western domination forever
