Have You Ever Thought About Starting Your Downswing Like This?

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When does the backswing finish and how and when should I start the downswing. The million dollar golf question.

In this video, MyGolfDNA Instructor Chris Tyler shows you a drill that will help you start feeling and moving in the correct sequence.

0:00 Intro and Attack of the birds
1:04 Important info
5:17 The secret of the arms
5:45 The drill

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Hope you all enjoy the video and get some great success with the drill. Dang birds!!!🤠🏹
0:00 Intro and Attack of the birds
1:04 Important info
5:17 The secret of the arms
5:45 The drill


I went through the whole sequence of the drill with every single ball I hit at the driving range today.
Worked like magic.
The idea of turning my core instead of pulling my right shoulder back works much better for me. It makes me feel loaded with a much shorter back swing (less arm movement). Thanks Chris! 👍🏻


Incorporated this in my warm up before yesterday’s round and hit more GIR than I have in years. Broke 80 for the first time in years also because of it. Thank you for all the great teaching.


Great video heading to the garage to try it out!


Great beginner drill plus great for us old timers like me who are looking for that sequence that works well done almost had this today but will work harder tomorrow and keep it going.


Great video and explanation and I try to feel this throughout my swing. Here is the but. I used to pitch in high school and triple A ball. I can shift my weight when I am upright, as soon as I put a club in my hand and bend over weight shift is non-existent. This game is tough😂😂😂


When you did the turn and lifted your left arm without a club, your left elbow had quite a bend in it. With the club, your left arm was fairly straight. How do you keep the left arm from bending once you have a club in it?


The hands swinging back and up signal to the left shoulder and rib cage to start turning… not the other way around 🙋🏼‍♂️


Chris, I'm having a #&@! of a time with my trail shoulder (I'm a lefty). Put simply, when starting the downswing, my trail shoulder seems to have a mind of it's own and just lunges forward. Now, I've been playing for a time and used to shoot in the mid to upper 70's and low 80's. This is driving me nuts (and I don't have far to go). I'm thinking that I'm using the trail side way to much but just can't seem to stop it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
