Statics 7-28| Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at points C and D

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Question: Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at points C and D in the simply supported beam. Point D is located just to the left of the 10-kN concentrated load.
Problem 7-28 from:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 14th edition
Russell C. Hibbeler
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Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions and also if you have any other problem you would like to go over with.
Problem 7-28 from:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 14th edition
Russell C. Hibbeler
Thank you guys for watching.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions and also if you have any other problem you would like to go over with.
Statics 7-28| Determine the internal normal force, shear force, and moment at points C and D
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