Nail Desk Tour | Organize Your Desk This Way And You'll Get Faster Doing Nails

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🔺Today's Topic:

Nail Desk Tour | Organize Your Desk This Way And You'll Get Faster Doing Nails

Organizing your nail studio or desk is seriously one of the funnest and at the same time most therapeutic thing you can do besides the actual nail creation. But while many nail studios are gorgeously decorated they're not always maximized to full efficiency.

Meaning, helping you work more focused so that you naturally work faster. I’m all for taking the time you need to execute a beautiful long lasting result, and that is why I thought I’d take you behind the scenes of my own nail desk.

Even though my nail desk is optimized with equipment for recording, it is set up in the exact same functional and efficient way to serve a client, even though I only use the space for demos.

Alright, let’s explore my nail desk.

To take you through my desk set up, I’m going to divide the sections in terms of tertiary, secondary, and primary supplies. Primary supplies are those that you need for every client, they should always be within hands reach. Secondary supplies are those that you’ll need to execute your work, but maybe not for every client. Tertiary supplies are those that you need every so often.


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#paolaponcenails #softgelnails #independentnailtech
Рекомендации по теме

Ahhhh this was amazing! Can you create a course for how to plan, film, record, and edit videos with links for what you use? That would be such an awesome course to learn from, you're the best of the best!


I love how organized you are! I own a couple of those acrylic drawers but I’m not using them for the proper things, this video came at a perfect time!


Ooo loved this! Very helpful on how to store everything in an organised manner. Having everything clear to see and reach is so important.


Yay! I absolutely loved this video 😍🥳 thank you so much for sharing this side of things with us all 💐💐


Storage for pots are definitely different compared to bottles. It looks great!.


Hi love your videos! I was wondering what desk you have?


Have you ever flown with your potted gels or had them checked? I'm moving soon and am worried about them spilling/leaking.


Hello Paola....I am only learning and I did a very good nail tech 1 day course with a master tech a few months ago. I have practiced on my own nails at home and I have had my nails done a lot everywhere I travel for maybe 6months to see how different techs operate which I loved and recently I worked 2 weeks as a learner observer in a nail shop unpaid which I enjoyed and learned a lot there. My question is why are my own nails DESTROYED with weakness and cracking up the middle from acetone left on too long(I am DELIGHTED TRULY that I ruined my own and not a client's it that I have maybe a lack of calcium....I have fibromyalgia and tho I am very well I am Or is this what would happen to any client's nails if they had acetone left on too am literally weeks and months now watching my nails recover....


New subscriber and love your videos!! U said a no no to the bands lol, why?


How long past "expiration" is it okay to use Japanese colors?


I’m trying to get faster 😢 it upsets me so much that it doesn’t seem to be happening
