The Daily Doug | Copyright Frustrations with YouTube Bots (Episode 105)

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I ran into a roadblock with YouTube's Artificial Intelligence Bots again today...not once but twice! I uploaded two new #TheDailyDoug videos (one for release today and one for release tomorrow), and both got blocked worldwide. It's so frustrating to have to deal with copyright issues when my activity is clearly not in violation of copyright law. Ugh!

Thanks for the continued support!
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I can really recommend the rants of Rick Beato concerning the topic of Copyrights. Regarding the Ayreon songs: if they get blocked the best is to contact Arjen in person. I saw some reactors who did and he personally solved the issue. Arjen is just amazing!


Youtube is run by an algorithm named K.A.R.E.N.

Kidding aside, Rick Beato also has had problems with these lame copyright stuff. You’re not alone.


Sorry you're going through this Doug. From the perspective of a programmer, I can understand how something like this would be difficult to code and have it be anywhere near accurate. Seems like youtube isn't really interested in having accurate bots. Unfortunately, every time youtube 'fixes' something, it invariably gets worse. =( You might want to look at some of the other video hosting sites and just put up announcement videos saying what song you analyzed & a URL where it may be seen in full. I've seen quite a few people start doing this type of thing recently...

You're 100% right that they should be paying you... I'd never heard of Aryeon before your video yesterday & am planning on buying their CDs sometime soon. Anything I purchase will be a direct result of your video.

Last, but not least, Happy Birthday Doug! =)


Happy bday, Doug! Your channel is a gem, really got me into music lately. Thx and keep it up no matter what! 🙋‍♂️


Dear Doug, totally agree and fully understand your frustration as I have been through the same a number of times. Spending hours working on video editing, putting sooundtrack or writing a piece of music for that video that takes weeks and maybe months then suddenly finding YouTube sending me a message that the video has been removed! As a follower to your beautiful work especially on the reactions videos I hope what happened won’t stop you from continuing. You have enriched us with more to the music we love with your insight. All the best.


Can definitely feel your frustration, Doug. I, for one, am going straight to Facebook to listen to your reactions. Happy birthday in advance!


Happy birthday Doug.
Looking forward to the pink floyd video
Even big YouTube channels can have the same issue with the bots. Like the channel of The Charismatic Voice (vocal coach and opera singer who makes reaction video’s to songs) in her reaction video of Ayreon (The Day The World Breaks Down) she said that first her video was Blocked by Youtubeand that she contacted Arjen Lucassen who contacted YouTube and then the Video was deblocked really fast by YouTube. Talking about Pink Floyd: Arjen Lucassen is a big Pink Floyd fan and some Ayreon songs have a kind of Pink Floyd feel to them (synths and/or guitar). Lucassen Made even a Tribute to famous Inspirational bands with a song on his “solo” album that’s called: Pink Beatles in a Purple Zeppelin (pink floyd, beatles and Deep purple and les zeppelin). Keep up the good work and enjoy your birthday.


Happy Birthday Doug!! All the way from the UK. Discovering your channel is the best thing that's happened this past year. Keep up the great work!!


Happy birthday Doug!!!! Keep up the good work 👍🏼👍🏼❤️


Your videos are great Doug!! They really help to expose the viewer to genre's of music that they normally wouldn't listen to. Since I saw your Nightwish video, I can't stop listening to them. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday!!


There are always people who don't like reviews of their or their idols' stuff. Don't focus on them, keep doing what we love your channel for.
Happy birthday man!


As i am watching this in the early hours of Saturday morning here in the U.K., I had better wish you a very happy birthday. Let's hope you have a less frustrating day and enjoy some quality time for yourself.


I only found you because I was looking up live Iron Maiden videos. I subscribed within 30 seconds of the first one I saw, I want to share it with friends who think they're still devil music after all these years.


"Who the hell's running these desicions at YouTube? Because they're not musicians - they're idiots." LMAO!


Have a happy birthday, Doug. I hope you have a great day and that everything goes smoothly with tomorrow's (and every other future) video. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of your channel, so I'm sorry to hear about these frustrations on your end.


I totally understand your frustrations. I've gotten a few blocks and a copyright strike from artists myself. Unfortunately, YouTube's hands are tied with this issue. The way they had to set it up is so they don't get sued by an artist for every upload instance of a song. They had no choice to have it fall on the creators. Check out some videos from "Lawful Masses with Leonard French". He is generally considered the #1 copyright attorney on YouTube and breaks things down concisely on both sides, often siding with creators.


Happy birthday to you Doug!!! Have a very nice day.
Been following you a while now, really like what you are doing. I’m a fan! Keep it up! Greetings from the Netherlands.


This has come up so many times. It's like that movie Mobsters where they're in the alcohol business and he starts pouring just a little bit of whiskey into the glass and says "This is where we are now. Just enough for someone to notice." Then he says "And this is where we want our business to be." Fills the glass to practically overflowing.. then smashes it.

Youtube are mobsters moving in on your prohibition alcohol business.


Doug, for what I know, YouTube does this kind of thinks because some of the label records have a very aggressive intake on those kind of things. By law, YouTube prefer to block things this way to avoid being sue from the label record since they are the ones hold accountable in law by the "piracy" done in copy right. It's not YouTube fault, it's the legislation. The algorithm just act in a way to avoid provoking them problems. Either way, happy early birthday.


Respect for being so honest and truthful about the situation with YouTube....they can be so shit at times with there decision's with what's ok, and what's
*Keep doing what you do, great reaction's* 🤘
.... Happy Birthday 🥳🍻👏👏
