The Five Universal Laws ~ A Soul's Guide: inspired by Bashar

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This video is inspired by Bashar through Darryl Anka

Video Created by Farzad Ghaffari

Follow your highest excitement, your joy as best that you can. With no insistence on the outcome. Stay in Positive State No Matter What Happens in life.

The Formula:
- Follow your highest excitement
-To the best of your ability
- With no insistence on the outcome
- Until you can act no further
- Along the path of least resistance
- Staying in Positive State No Matter What Happens

Life Is Meaningless:
- Nothing in Creation has intrinsic meaning
- Your beliefs & definitions give life meaning
- All events are neutral, not positive nor negative
- You have the power to create positive/negative
- Thus only your (positive) state of being matters

The Five Universal Laws:
1. You exist
If you exist now, your existence is eternal:
You have always existed and you always will exist. You may change form,
but you are existing always .
So…..relax…’ll be around forever.

2. Everything is here & now
Time and Space are illusions. (But your experiences within Time/Space are “real”.)
There is only Here/Now.

3. The One is All, the All is One
Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire
hologram, likewise we are all inter-connected.
Everything is truly just one totally-interconnected “thing”.

4. What you put out is what you get back
The “outside” is a reflection of the “inside”.
Physical reality is actually a mirror:
Your physical reality is just a holographic reflection of
what you most strongly believe to be true. And like a mirror, physical reality
will not change unless you change first (change what you most strongly believe).

5. Everything changes except the first 4 laws
The only constant in the universe is change
except for the first 4 postulates, which never change.
So…..might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation.
Enjoy the ride! Surf the changes!
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