How to convert kilograms to milligrams and tons to ounces | Khan Academy

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We're converting kilograms to milligrams and tons to ounces. Let's do this example together.

Grade 4th on Khan Academy: 4th grade is the time to start really fine-tuning your arithmetic skills. Not only will you be a multi-digit addition and subtraction rockstar, but you'll extend the multiplication and division that you started in 3rd grade to several digits. You'll also discover that you sometimes have something left over (called a "remainder") when you divide. In 3rd grade you learned what a fraction is. Now you'll start adding, subtracting, multiplying, and comparing them. You'll also see how they relate to decimals. On other fronts, you'll learn how to convert between different units (which is super important when comparing the size and speed of robot unicorns in different countries) and continue your journey thinking about various shapes in two dimensions. Some of the foundational concepts of geometry (like lines, rays and angles) also get introduced. As always, we'll round this out with a healthy dose of applied word problems and explorations of number patterns and properties (including the ideas of factors, multiples and prime numbers). The fun must not stop! (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)

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Jesus, now i think freaking goku lifted 40 tons easily like it was nothing


you say that the "ton" is the US costumary system? you realise that 1 ton is 1000 Kg (kilos), or 1.000.000 grams, so it's also "metric" system, the thing is that you deal a lot with the gram without even know it, metric is easy to understand, it's all related, you americans insist on complicate it puting other measures in between like ounces, gallons, etc, .
onde you know the GRAM then it's grams in scale, milligram, kilogram (aka kilo), ton (1 thousand kilos), also the liter (1liter=1 kg) with milliliter but no use for kiloliter word, the meter, millimeter, kilometer, and even the watt, milliwatt, kilowatt, etc.
stop complicate the simple.
also 1000cm3 = 1 litre = 1kg (it's all related)
P.S. apparently theres more than 1 kind of ton, the short ton, the one you talk about wich is 907, 1853 kg and the metric ton (1 thousnad kilos), so my bad, wasnt aware of diferent versions.
