Chile's Largest Island 🗾 | Greater Island of Chiloé 🇨🇱

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Chiloé Island is located in Chile in the Los Lagos Region, south of Puerto Montt. Chiloé is the land of myths, legends, traditions and gastronomy.
Chiloé Island is the second largest island in Chile (after the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), the largest island completely within Chile, and the fourth largest in South America.
This island is known for its multicolored houses (often on stilts, the palafitos), and for its many and characteristic wooden churches, sixteen of which are classified by UNESCO as World Heritage.
Location: Castro, Ancud, Quellón, Dalcahue, Cucao, Lemuy, Quinchao, Tenaún and Chonchi
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Luminance by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Chiloé Island is the second largest island in Chile (after the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), the largest island completely within Chile, and the fourth largest in South America.
This island is known for its multicolored houses (often on stilts, the palafitos), and for its many and characteristic wooden churches, sixteen of which are classified by UNESCO as World Heritage.
Location: Castro, Ancud, Quellón, Dalcahue, Cucao, Lemuy, Quinchao, Tenaún and Chonchi
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Luminance by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Chile's Largest Island 🗾 | Greater Island of Chiloé 🇨🇱
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