Quick announcement - youtube ads etc.

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Good move Mike, it should pay for some extra kit.
Yes on the pressure thing, you have the be careful with that.


It would be great to see more 'how to' videos. Things like design considerations you've used on various real projects. How to make designs resilient which must be so important with those installations you've done. More stuff along the lines of your DMX controller description. Also, what governs you choice of components etc. I always call you "Mr Practical" because you design stuff for the real world.


I love looking at silicon wafers/dyes and learning about what the different feature are and what their function is. Im excited you opened yourself up to donations and support. Ive been watching you for afew years now and would love to support what you do. You have taught me a great deal with your videos sir.


I'd recommend enabling the simple banners as well -- they aren't intrusive but will lift your ad-revenues because you'll find that sometimes there just aren't any pre-roll ads being sold so your videos will remain "adless" if you don't have banners enabled. I agree that the most annoying ads are the non-skippable pre-rolls :-)


Good luck with your experiment Mike, I hope it produces favorable results for you. I like the "shakyness", the raw feel of your videos. To me, it conveys the excitement and curiosity you hold an engineer, tearing into interesting things no holds barred style. Teardowns are nice, but your interface and design videos are very interesting, and educational. I realize you probably can't share all the details for the projects you are commissioned to work on, but hearing your reasoning for designing something one way or other is just as much fun as watching some old junk get torn apart.


I use an adblocker but I'd be more than happy to pay you a modest amount per video via Patreon. No questions asked, no obligations. Just keep doing what you're doing and use the money for whatever. My favorites are the extreme teardowns. Cheers!


What would be fun and original, would be build vlogs so you can see the engineering and debugging as something is designed and built. As far as i know there are not a lot of videos doing that (Dave has two or three, but that is about it).
And as dogastus mentioned, i really enjoyed the DMX controller discription as well, those small things that you only pick up with experience in producing pcbs and products.


I don't know if you can, but I'd like to see more design videos, actual EE work.


You are by far the most compelling viewing on YT, I'll be watching almost whatever you do. Good luck with what you are doing, keep the content coming. Even small stuff, teardowns/design/build manufacture, your depth of knowledge is inspiring, keep the content/style as-is, deep and sometimes hard for us self-taught lot, but I need to be pushed.


Would love to see more exotic teardowns. I loved the blood analyser. More lab equipment would be cool, as would more weird RF voodoo stuff. Love your channel, good luck!


I love to see some content about designing things for absolute reliability. Ingress protection, component redundancy, overspeccing, tolerances etc. Maybe a teardown of something designed as such which highlights those features?


You should do a video titled "How to find blood analysers/pacemakers/[insert obscure piece of equipment here] on Ebay" as your next upload!!!

I am more than happy to turn off adblocking when I watch your videos. I always enjoy them, so I'm glad if this move brings in more content, or more exotic teardowns!


sounds great! its good to get some money coming in for something you put a lot of work into.


Don't have any issues with you turning on adverts Mike, would love to see more videos from you. Your teardowns are great but your knowledge and experience means you could make some amazing tips, tricks, tutorial videos etc oh and your no-nonsense reviews.


Much better having ads than having reviews of oscilloscopes as Dave does *all the time*.


Double post: Go on patreon and use a 'cappable per video' setup. I'm willing to chip in. You aren't obligated to make videos but when you do there is a nice kickback. I can't wait for youtube red to hit Canada so I can non-adblock-contribute as well :)


I wish you to meet your target with monetization! This is one of the best channels, so if girls doing makeup can make a living of YouTube I hope you will travel in your own jet!


Like your videos very much. Kudos. You deserve more attention! Thumbs up.


Guu tubers tend to disappear when they make significant amounts from advertizing. Dave hardly ever makes a video anymore, except for an occasional baby video.


Use adsense but please consider patreon. For me the materials you made some time ago about soldering/solder paste dispensing and the pick n place materials (specially manual PNP with the vacuum pump), QFN package soldering, display connector replacement any quite a few others were invaluable. With this materials you helped me cut down prototyping time and improve quality. Also is worth to mention all the material about design methods and of course tear downs that include on a regular basis critical details (ALL the MIPI stuff&ipod connector, x-rays of pcb's and chips, PCB peeling etc.).
So again please consider patreon for financing auxiliary gear relevant in making such materials.
Thank you.
