DIGIS3 the evolution of European Digital Innovation Hubs in Castilla y León
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Smart, Sustainable and coheSive Digitalization conceived as a Digital Innovation Hub. It is one of the main tools of the European Commission to achieve the objectives set out in its digitalization strategy.
DIGIS3 is a multiplier and disseminator of smart, sustainable and cohesive digitalisation of SMEs and public sector organisations in Castilla y León. The initiative is led by the AIR INSTITUTE and arises from collaboration between the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), DIH-LEAF, the IoT DIH, the Castile and León Supercomputing Centre Foundation (SCAYLE), the University of León and the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE).
We mainly work with Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing, and we are experts in the Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain, 5G, additive manufacturing and Robotics. Our aim is to help companies in our region to transition towards Industry 4.0, and towards smart agriculture, smart territories and smart administration.
#DIH, #DigitalInnovationHub, #DIGIS3, #ArtificialIntelligence, #Supercomputing, #InternetofThings, #IoT, #BigData, #Blockchain, #5G, #Robotics, #Industry40, #SmartAgriculture, #SmartTerritories, #SmartAdministration, #Smart, #Cohesive, #Digitalisation, #Sustainable, #Innovation
DIGIS3 is a multiplier and disseminator of smart, sustainable and cohesive digitalisation of SMEs and public sector organisations in Castilla y León. The initiative is led by the AIR INSTITUTE and arises from collaboration between the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), DIH-LEAF, the IoT DIH, the Castile and León Supercomputing Centre Foundation (SCAYLE), the University of León and the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE).
We mainly work with Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing, and we are experts in the Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain, 5G, additive manufacturing and Robotics. Our aim is to help companies in our region to transition towards Industry 4.0, and towards smart agriculture, smart territories and smart administration.
#DIH, #DigitalInnovationHub, #DIGIS3, #ArtificialIntelligence, #Supercomputing, #InternetofThings, #IoT, #BigData, #Blockchain, #5G, #Robotics, #Industry40, #SmartAgriculture, #SmartTerritories, #SmartAdministration, #Smart, #Cohesive, #Digitalisation, #Sustainable, #Innovation