JKL | The man and presidency of Moi through the eyes of Lee Njiru #JKLive

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JKL | The man and presidency of Moi through the eyes of Lee Njiru #JKLive
Citizen TV is Kenya's leading television station commanding an audience reach of over 60% and in its over 12 years of existence as a pioneer brand for the Royal Media Services (RMS), it has set footprints across the country leaving no region uncovered.
This is your ideal channel for the latest and breaking news, top stories, politics, business, sports, lifestyle and entertainment from Kenya and around the world.
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Citizen TV is Kenya's leading television station commanding an audience reach of over 60% and in its over 12 years of existence as a pioneer brand for the Royal Media Services (RMS), it has set footprints across the country leaving no region uncovered.
This is your ideal channel for the latest and breaking news, top stories, politics, business, sports, lifestyle and entertainment from Kenya and around the world.
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JKL | The man and presidency of Moi through the eyes of Lee Njiru #JKLive
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Mammuttimarkkinoilla viihtyy, tyyliin @VEETU🥳 #mammuttimarkkinat #cittarihoitaa #kcmkeljo #jkl
JKL Woven Shirt - Short Sleeve (For Men)
JKl live n Hon Atwoli..on citizen tv