#02 Repository, Interface, Trait & Data Communication in Laravel REST API Development
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Hi today, this is our first tutorial for Rest API development using Laravel 9.x. Today we'll going to discuss the following topics about the data communication pattern in Laravel and complete setup for our big architecture..-
1) Repository Pattern
2) CRUD Interface
3) Response Trait
4) Product Repository and Product List API
This is for beginner level to intermediate level developers. The following topics will be covered by this complete REST API development using laravel.1) Swagger API documentation2) JWT Auth for authentication3) Repository-Interface Pattern4) PSR12 coding standard5) Unit testing with PHPUnitLearn the laravel rest API development with very easily with Laravel 9.x+ and PHP 8.1+Source codes will be provided in Github repository from the next video. Please subscribe for getting more.#01 - Installation, Model, Migration, Tinker - Complete REST API Development using Laravel 9.x
Tags: laravel rest api,laravel api,api development,rest api,laravel development,laravel 9.x,laravel api development,laravel new video,laravel complete project,laravel swagger,laravel jwt,laravel learnings,laravel,repository pattern laravel,swagger api documentation,interface laravel,laravel advanced feature,laravel api crud,laravel crud,api project,laravel free api development tutorial,laravel model,laravel migration,laravel tinker,laravel installation
1) Repository Pattern
2) CRUD Interface
3) Response Trait
4) Product Repository and Product List API
This is for beginner level to intermediate level developers. The following topics will be covered by this complete REST API development using laravel.1) Swagger API documentation2) JWT Auth for authentication3) Repository-Interface Pattern4) PSR12 coding standard5) Unit testing with PHPUnitLearn the laravel rest API development with very easily with Laravel 9.x+ and PHP 8.1+Source codes will be provided in Github repository from the next video. Please subscribe for getting more.#01 - Installation, Model, Migration, Tinker - Complete REST API Development using Laravel 9.x
Tags: laravel rest api,laravel api,api development,rest api,laravel development,laravel 9.x,laravel api development,laravel new video,laravel complete project,laravel swagger,laravel jwt,laravel learnings,laravel,repository pattern laravel,swagger api documentation,interface laravel,laravel advanced feature,laravel api crud,laravel crud,api project,laravel free api development tutorial,laravel model,laravel migration,laravel tinker,laravel installation