California wasn't a slave state, but did have slaves. And it's a lot more complicated than good old Rob makes it sound like.
Don't worry it'll never happen.
There’s a reason you don’t see him on tv anymore
Stick to the lame movie scripts and leave everything else to people. Listen to Ricky Gervais
Uhm just cuz slaves was never in California don't mean it was not just as racist
Collectively, it's more complicated than that. No access to finance left certain communities disenfranchised with worse school districts and outcomes and as the good neighbourhoods house prices went up along with amenities. The next generation inherited far more than the minorities. So slave owners and racist policies made great wealth and advantages for their offspring that we can see today with the racial differences in the wealth divide.
So yes actually it should be recognised as people were disenfranchised on purpose, they were born into a position of disadvantage and someone else was born into an advantage specifically because of their grandparent's disenfranchisement based on race. The first
Very good analogy, but it's doesn't work for the Carolina's or Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi too many to not just pay what you owe...Not the Person the Country