“Pray for Rain” Shaman Kamila Valieva Камилә Вәлиева “молиться о дожде”

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Kamila portrays the Shaman in this program, praying for rain for the tribe that suffered from severe drought. Shaman culture is popular in middle Asia including China, Mongolia, Russian and other Asia countries. The tambourine is the characteristic instrument in Shaman culture.
Add amazing photos shoot in the competition.

Kamila had been preparing for the Russian Challenge Cup with another romantic theme, she changed the program to this Shaman theme 1 week before the competition. Just in 1 week, she delivered us another masterpiece! Just unbelievably amazing!


1. Atbena Safri Duo《Athena》

2. Samb-Adagio Safri Duo《Samb-Adagio (Original Club Version)》

23 0320: Kamila Valieva spoke about her demonstration number at the Russian Challenge show tournament. In this issue, the figure skater appeared in a new role, which was not typical for her, demonstrating temperament, plasticity and the ability to control her body.
- Daniil Markovich (Gleikhengauz - ed.), Together with Eteri Georgievna (Tutberidze), at first they gave me one number, but then they realized that it was a bit not for show programs and offered another option - the image of a shaman.
The plot of my program is as follows: I leave the wigwam and see that everything around is scorched by drought, there is neither water nor grass, people and animals are languishing from hunger and thirst.

I take my shaman tambourine and try to make it rain to prevent the death of all life. I succeed - it starts to rain. And at this moment I enjoy the fact that there are butterflies around me and everything comes to life ...
We rehearsed this number, of course, without rain, but everything was real for the competition. (Laughs).
In terms of pace, this number is somewhat similar to my demonstration “Wednesday”, but there I worked more with my hands, and here with my whole body - legs, head, everything that is possible.

This number is not typical of my type, because I had more lyrical programs, classical ones, if you can call them that. And here there is more temperament, freedom of movement, and to be honest, I got high from this program.

We chose the suit very carefully. There were two options, but we settled on this one, in which I rode. My mother helped a lot with the costume. Before the start of the performances, she sat over the costume for ten hours, finishing some small details, cleaning somewhere, changing, adding. Unusual earrings, in which I rode, were also made by her.
Special thanks I would like to say to our makeup artist Karina, who did a very cool hair and makeup for me. I was overjoyed.

I will definitely remember my performance at this tournament. The number turned out to be unusual, cool and new in style for me,” Camila said.

Рекомендации по теме

Kamila Valieva spoke about her demonstration number at the Russian Challenge show tournament. In this issue, the figure skater appeared in a new role, which was not typical for her, demonstrating temperament, plasticity and the ability to control her body.
- Daniil Markovich (Gleikhengauz - ed.), Together with Eteri Georgievna (Tutberidze), at first they gave me one number, but then they realized that it was a bit not for show programs and offered another option - the image of a shaman.
The plot of my program is as follows: I leave the wigwam and see that everything around is scorched by drought, there is neither water nor grass, people and animals are languishing from hunger and thirst.

I take my shaman tambourine and try to make it rain to prevent the death of all life. I succeed - it starts to rain. And at this moment I enjoy the fact that there are butterflies around me and everything comes to life ...
We rehearsed this number, of course, without rain, but everything was real for the competition. (Laughs).
In terms of pace, this number is somewhat similar to my demonstration “Wednesday”, but there I worked more with my hands, and here with my whole body - legs, head, everything that is possible.

This number is not typical of my type, because I had more lyrical programs, classical ones, if you can call them that. And here there is more temperament, freedom of movement, and to be honest, I got high from this program.

We chose the suit very carefully. There were two options, but we settled on this one, in which I rode. My mother helped a lot with the costume. Before the start of the performances, she sat over the costume for ten hours, finishing some small details, cleaning somewhere, changing, adding. Unusual earrings, in which I rode, were also made by her.
Special thanks I would like to say to our makeup artist Karina, who did a very cool hair and makeup for me. I was overjoyed.

I will definitely remember my performance at this tournament. The number turned out to be unusual, cool and new in style for me, ” Camila said.


Музыка, костюм, хореография отличные..самое лучшее выступление, это валиева Камила.умница


Сказочно, загадочно 😂😂😂😂😂и❤😂😂😂😂очень артистично...Камила, это талантливая, хоризматичная, очень красивая фигуристка, столько шарма в потрясающей девочке...браво...думаю приз зрит.симпатий справедливо возьмёт высшее место❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ещё насладился выступление Камилы , она шаман и за справедливость во всём Мире. И болельщики во всех странах хотят справедливости они любят спортсменов которые добиваются высшего мастерства своим трудом.


Камила красавица лучше всех каталось молодец шикарный номер


Kamila ist die beste Eiskunstläuferin der Welt.


Испохабили всё судьи. Это был какой-то междусобойчик, 😨😰😔. Камила шикарна, мы тебя любим🌹🌞💐🌼🙏🌍


Двадцатый раз наверное пересматриваю этот номер ) Прекрасная Камила как всегда на высоте !!! А судьи никак не в теме 🙃


Камилу не могут судить те, кто живет и видит в плоскостном измерении, она из другой реальности! Она не вписывается вот в эти рамки, просто другая!!!


Shaman or Pray for Rain is wonderful : )) This program is killer. Everything is fantastically choreographed, set to music, costume and finale worthy of a Shamanic Lady out of time! I love this incredible performance, as well as the make-up and costume, etc. ...Kudos ! Great chills from the first vision, a while ago already. Long live Kamila :))


В меню на д.р.агутин, себю представил...зачем посмешище 😮 делать..1место не ему😢 должно принадлежать, где его совесть ..Камила блестяще исполнила номер


Да дело совсем в другом. Этот конкурс изначально испохабили тем, что делали его для своих. Ягудину тут вообще делать было нечего, должны выступать действующие фигуристы. А так получается Авербух ( а кто ж против него ) плюс Ягудин, плюс лучший друг Цискаридзе и т. д. Догадайтесь кто победит. Поэтому у молодых фигуристов затаится сомнение в объективном судействе. Ягудин не может найти себя вот и лезет везде то с пением, то в молодежные проекты. Остался неприятный осадок от этого конкурса.




Агутин, пусть соревнует со своими, а не с молодняком..надо было Ирину родину пригласить и ей дать 1место, приятно ыло бы смотреть на легенду фигурного катания..что подарко на день рождения выпросил 1место..увы агутину, это не его..решил себе праздник, пиар сделать, ..что легче зрелому спортсмену, повеселить публику и победить среди детей...несправедл.посьавлены места....
