How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

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Have you ever asked your self the question?

#swavycurlycourtney #curlyhair #wavyhair
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Wash your hair when it needs washing. It really is that simple. I don't wash on a set day and it changes based on the weather, my activities, if I'm ill, etc. It's usually 2-3 times a week for me but might even be twice in one day on rare occasions. We're not engineering rockets here, just wash it when it needs washing.


I have a dry scalp, fine hair, med to high porosity, & lowish density & i wash my hair twice a week. If i go a whole week, my hair gets very tangly, my ends dry out, & my scalp will itch like crazy. Plus I'm in FL so that means sweat lol. So i wash Sunday & Thursday nights


I wash twice a week. I have fine, wavy hair. High porosity, & low density.
Deep conditioner, & clarify when it built up on products. 😊


this is so important to hear! I had long wavy/curly hair (length to my hips) and I washed my hair EVERY DAY for about 3 years :') I still don't get these horrible days. it was bcs I had EXTRA oily scalp (like my face) thanks to my puberty etc. now I have shoulder length hair, my wash days are every 3-4 day of week and I couldn't have made a better decision! dry shampoo is big help! thank u so much for this video! finally someone's talking about this!


I'm not ashamed to say I only wash my hair every 2-3 weeks and then only because the ends are getting dry. It just doesn't get greasy, oily, smelly etc. In the winter I go even longer between washes because my hair is very long and can take up to 24hrs to air dry or 2 1/2 with a diffuser, plus some air drying time. And it's not even high density! It just loves to hold on to all that water. 😂 In between washes I frequently apply hair oil to the ends to stop them drying out to much and brush some hair oil through the lengths for the same reason (and to brush out any dust and dirt )


I have oily roots with dry ends but want to grow my hair and found a bit of a hack to this 😅 when it's wash day, I put my hair in a low ponytail and wash only my head in the sink without getting the ponytail wet. No conditioner or leave-in waste and I can stretch it to a week or 10 days until I clarify the entire hair.


My hair is so oily, I need to wash it every other day. It actually looks greasy enough that I should wash it daily, but I also have psoriasis on my scalp and too much washing causes itchiness and scabs. I definitely need to see a dermatologist to figure out what’s going on with my skin, and then maybe I can go a few days between washes without looking like Danny Zuko.


I have super curly hair 3b 3c to be precise which requires less washing but my scalp requires more washing. I typically wash 2-3 times a week otherwise my scalp itches. I try to focus my shampoo on my scalp only and this helps me to not dry out my curls by over shampooing.


you can train your scalp to be less oily *IF* it's actually over producing oil to compensate for over washing/ using drying products. I did it for my hair and my face. I didn't understand how I had scaly, eczema prone skin with an oil slick on top. Now I get it. The key to bringing down the excess oil was to moisturize. I have only washed my hair once a week since long before starting CG, but I used to wash more often and suffered from dandruff AND eternal grease.


I am an oily person. I was my wavy hair every single day. I tried scalp training years ago, and it was horrible.


I have oily hair/skin too, so I have to wash just about every day. I can go every other day if I have to, but my hair always looks and feels best when it’s washed daily.

I used to stretch it to every 3 days when I thought it was “bad” to wash it more, but my hair didn’t grow as fast and my scalp was so itchy by day 3. Now my hair grows fast and scalp feels good.

I remember Dr. Dray (great dermatologist on YT) explaining that you should wash your hair as often as your scalp can handle. For some people that may only be once week. And for others like me, once a day.


I have oily skin and fragile hair. I wash like every week and a half to 2 weeks depending on my activity level. I hate washing my hair so when it does get oily I wash it out with water in the shower and go another week without shampooing.


My hair is naturally curly but I got it permanently straightened so what type of hair do I have 🤣


I have hair dryer than the Sahara desert lol
