Port of Nea Madytos

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Port of Nea Madytos
Στιγμές χαλάρωσης στο υπέροχο λιμανάκι της Νέας Μάδυτου.
Moments of relaxation in the wonderful port of Nea Madytos.
Enjoyment in nature Playlist
Με συναντάει κανείς και εδώ ▼
00:00 Intro - Place info
00:32 On the road
01:45 Speech the acts of the Apostoles
04:03 The lake
07:09 Rest Spot
10:38 Departure - Return
11:11 End Screen
#riding #solo #motorcycle #honda #cooking #motorcyclingtravel #touring #adventureriding #dualsport #camping #motorcycle #motorcyclingtravel #travel #camping #motorcycle #adventure #ADV
Στιγμές χαλάρωσης στο υπέροχο λιμανάκι της Νέας Μάδυτου.
Moments of relaxation in the wonderful port of Nea Madytos.
Enjoyment in nature Playlist
Με συναντάει κανείς και εδώ ▼
00:00 Intro - Place info
00:32 On the road
01:45 Speech the acts of the Apostoles
04:03 The lake
07:09 Rest Spot
10:38 Departure - Return
11:11 End Screen
#riding #solo #motorcycle #honda #cooking #motorcyclingtravel #touring #adventureriding #dualsport #camping #motorcycle #motorcyclingtravel #travel #camping #motorcycle #adventure #ADV
Port of Nea Madytos
Timelapse Nea Madytos
Εκπομπή 'Ο ΤΟΠΟΣ ΜΑΣ' - Νέα Μάδυτος - 2016
WOMAN IN GOLD 1st High School of Nea Madytos
Från möte (Giorti) Nea Madytos Thessaloniki
Our Village - Erasmus W.A.Y Madytos
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Πετροκερασα Ν.Απολλωνια
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