Let's Talk About Tattoo GateKeeping...

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Whats up with tattoo artist gatekeeping tattoo? lets talk about it

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What are your thoughts on tattoo gatekeeping? Leave your thoughts below. Thanks for watching :)


Artists are artists. They can pick and choose which projects they work on. Saying, "I'm paying you for a job, just do it!" doesn't apply if the artist refuses payment. Artists are allowed to have integrity, especially with the permanence of a tattoo.


I’ve witness an artist warning a client against a hand tattoo. The design was a black scorpion. His reasons were that it’s very black and noticeable and it might not look good as a business owner. The client argued the artist to do the tattoo and do his job. And he did. Tattoo looked amazing!
I went back for another design and that artist was still there. We chatted for a bit and then I asked him about hand tattoos. His face said it all. He started telling me about the scorpion tattoo lady and how she called him back 6 months later asking for a cover up. I told him I remember overhearing the whole thing and wondered what had happened to her. Turns out she lost a few business deals to expand her nail business due to the tattoo in her hand, and how she’s been wanting to cover it up, but how? From the pictures he showed me how would you cover a scorpion on your hand, taking up 70% of it?
He suggested to her to get it laser off cuz covering it up will only make it worse.

Sometimes it’s better to listen to your artist than acting like an entitled Karen.


A business has the right to not do certain services or deny a service to a client. If this upsets a customer they should go elsewhere . The plenty of incredible artist out there .


The "i'm paying you bro"-argument is super stupid.

They decline to tattoo you, so you're not paying them.

You're not entitled to get a tattoo


So here is my 2 cents. As a client I do not have a right to demand an artist do anything for me even if I'm paying them. If they don't like my idea or an over done idea.


Im totally okay with artists refusing to do certain tattoos that they've done so many times and are tired of doing. They are human, and they are doing a job. No matter how much you like your job it's still work and work sucks. I love my job but I love not being at work even more and I certainly wouldn't want to be not at home doing something that I don't want to do.

Your words at the end are even literally the reason I'm okay with it "It is so important for both the client and the tattoo artist to share the same excitement and vision for the tattoo" if an artist hates doing an overdone design they're not going to share the same excitement and vision as the client.


I think Tattoo artists are artists, not living and breathing Burger Kings. If an artist does not want to tattoo certain designs or certain areas. That's their prerogative, just go to someone else who is willing to do more of what you want. That's the beauty of having so many different artists out there, there is bound to be someone out there who is willing to do that design or tattoo a certain body part like the neck or hands. Personally I am at the age where I kind of get why a lot of tattoo artists are weary of tattooing a young person in highly visible spots, when they do not have very many other tattoos. Tattoo regret is real, and life changes. Both in interests and in what we want to achieve in it. I'm happy that I waited until 29 to start getting tattooed, I really shudder to think what my body would look like if I got tattooed early LOL


The artist is well with their rights to refuse. Even just 10 years ago, these areas were considered a right of passage. Props to the artist


Tattoo artist have a duty to help people not make dumb choices. For some reason everyone wants their hands/necks done without having anything else done


They’re not gatekeeping something that you paid for because if they’re refusing to do the tattoo, then you are not paying them.

I agree with that first TikTok 100%.


And another thought, do you think that an artist is going to be able to give you their best work if you get to demand them make something they don't want to make?


Tattoo artists can refuse their clients a tattoo job if they're not comfortable with inking them certain designs. It's fine because you can't force an artist to create something they don't want to create.


Up to the Tattooer period end of discussion. There are many others that will hold their morals to a lower standard that would welcome some of these awful choices. 🤷


Its art. You cant force an artist to create something they dont want to create. Their name is basically on it forever as well so why should they not have a say in how they choose to display their artistry.


I like to imagine it like a restaurant. Every restaurant has a different menu of things they feel comfortable cooking. Every menu may vary from restaurant to restaurant. Sometimes you might want to order something that is not on the menu. At that stage it's up to the restaurant to decide if they want to cook the food or not. If they refuse to cook that food it's their choice. If you are still determined to get that food, go to a different restaurant. Simples.


You can’t force another person to do anything they don’t want to do. Period


I think it unwise to pressure an artist, who doesn't want to do something on you because they're not going to put their best effort into it. You're better off going to someone who wants to do the tatt.


I agree with all 3 of those videos. Job stoppers aren’t only about work they’re the most engaging areas of you body to get tattooed and in my opinion should not be normalized as they’re such a big deal and one shouldn’t get them without knowing how it feels to be tattooed first


it's just the tattoo artist looking out for you Especially if you don't have any other tattoos.
