Eben - No One Like You Ft Nathaniel Bassey (Video)

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#Eben #nathanielbassey #noonelikeyou

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If He has ever opened doors for you when men thought you were finished let's gather here to worship by telling Him no one is like Him forever


Whoever listening to this song in this new year 2024, , may the Lord open doors, I declare that this song be the song of the year,


I am hindu but when i came to know Jesus ..my life completly changed ... Praise the lord ...proud to be son of Jesus ...now my whole family except my dad everyone are christian.. Please pray for my dad he is still not beleving Jesus plea


I had a baby boy today at the child's first cry.. I heard this song drop in my spirit.... "No one like you Jesus..."
You're the God who answers prayers...


Now I am two years in marriage, my wife and I are trying to have baby, but until now no baby. This song always encourages me not to loss my faith in God, Because He is a God of Everything.


Am 39 years old and still single.praying and hoping for God to locate me.This song gives me hope


I just received a part time job offer today. I initially did not see the emails as it was in my spam folder. I cannot praise him enough 🙏🏾. The best is still to come 🙌🏾


My daughter has completed high school because of God. This God gives hope


After my fiancé left me without a word, not heard from her in months, drowned into depression, been drinking alcohol, sold everything I had to pay bills, but I’m still confident Jehovah will get me out of this.


No matter the amount of bad things I've done, he still listens😭🥺🥺🥺🥺. What type of a person is he? I've put myself in his shoes, and i can only see doom in my life. But how can he keep on forgiving me even if i keep doing the same thing over and over again 🥺🥺🥺🥺. He's not a man at all ♥️ he's the one who forgives and truly forgets ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Thanks Lord Jesus ✅✌️✌️🙏🙏🙏


LORD am so greatful that you have fulfilled my prayer by making me get a have been jobless all this is no one like you ooh LORD....I have seen your miracles happen upon my family and I strongly believe that from now hence forth we will always have your blessings and cry tears of joy and happiness for no evil weapon formed against us shall you Lord for making it happen. We are your children oh Lord and you will always wipe away our sorrowful tears in terms of rejection, suffering and humiliation from our relatives and are the Lord of everything, there's no one like you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


After 7years of waiting. Oh God you are not a man indeed. No one like you.


i got Born again in 2011 when i was doing Grade 08 at age 13, 3 years down the line, i backslided, lived like there was no God, but in all the period where i had gone back to the dark, my heart was still concious of God and my body longed for the Holy Ghost still, fast forward i reached the climax of my hostile lifestyle in 2017 doing my first year in TUT, involved in multiple relationships with peers driving me away from God even more. God took me to UJ the following year, where i met a professor pastoring a certain campus structure, he unknowingly talked about me in all his sermons. i was convicted, went back to God, changed friends and left unholy commitments, I got babtized with the holy Ghost in two months after that. became one of the leaders in that christian structure the following year (2019), when my period finished, they took me back for leadership for the following year (2020). im still serving there for this year, He (The Holy Spirit) and I are still together in love, im not perfect but i try in my path of Christianity. Dear Backslider, God is watching you from Heaven, we miss you from home, and there are plans and duties you need to fulfill for God


This Is My Christmas Gift to You Children Of God


I remember how I would play this song non stop in my trying times. I am here to say indeed there is no one like Jesus who changed my story.


This song just came into my spirit during my 3 a.m prayers...

Thankyou Holyspirit


One of the most powerful/ inspirational songs I ever heard.
Thank you my friend in Christ.
Please pray the Lord bless me with a husband. I am alone at age 67.
Husband passed several years ago.
Tired of being you all, 🤔👍🙏


I woke up this 3am with this song in my heart but i don't the lyrics. I have been sick for weeks now without getting better, and i thought of this song to pray this 3am. I bless God because i woke up feeling different today. I was diagnosed of dehydration, typhoid, low sugar, gastric, bacterial in the body, aslo. All for me alone. I believe God has healed me.


I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too.


I came here in 1st July, 2024. After June Miracle Service - Koinonia. God bless Apostle Joshua Selman for singing this awesome song yesterday
