A. Moradinezhad | Large-Scale Structure Probes of the Early Universe

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Plenary Talk | Cosmology from Home 2021

Talk title:
Large-Scale Structure Probes of the Early Universe
Azadeh Moradinezhad

Talk abstract:
The cosmological large-scale structure (LSS) is formed under the influence of gravity from tiny fluctuations generated during the very early universe. As such, the statistical properties of the LSS provide an excellent opportunity for precision tests of fundamental physics. The large volume and unprecedented precision of data from upcoming galaxy surveys will allow high signal-to-noise detection of the two- and three-point correlation functions of galaxies. Furthermore, a novel observational technique referred to as line intensity mapping (LIM) is emerging as a powerful probe to map the LSS over the range of scales and redshifts largely inaccessible to galaxy surveys. In this talk, I first discuss the exciting prospects for constraining primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) using LIM, outlining the optimal survey and instrument design to reach the required sensitivity. I then discuss the significance of using the LSS bispectrum in constraining PNG of various shapes. Finally, I present new computationally efficient estimators, constructed based on symmetries of LSS, to extract the rich information of the LSS bispectrum.
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