The Tragic Twilight Zone Movie Disaster | Well, I Never Stars

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We've all heard of the Twilight Zone. The Iconic series would have an ill-fated movie spin-off in the 1980's. An accident on set leading to the death of the actor Vic Morrow and two children.

The Twilight Zone was a trail blazing sci-fi series created by the legendary writer Rod Serling. It was a world away from anything on TV at the time with the airwaves choked with shoot-em-up Westerns and alike.

Over 5 seasons the initial buzz began to subside and the show was cancelled. It's legacy lived on however, leading to the show being revived several times. It also lead to the creation of an ill-fated movie spin off in the 1980's.

With segments directed by several up and coming talents, it would be the portion directed by John Landis that would lead to tragedy.

00:00 - Intro
00:47 - The Twilight Zone TV Series and Rod Serling
02:45 - Decline and Cancellation
04:44 - Warner Brothers Begin Plans for a Film
07:02 - Vic Morrow is cast
09:20 - Vietnam Set and Dangerous practices
11:43 - Filming of the ill fated scene begins
13:21 - Aftermath
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Accidents can happen, and tragedies must often occur for us to learn how to take preventing measures. But I'm so appalled by Landis' apparently not caring that his carelessness caused three deaths, two of whom children. I'm very surprised he could go on to a such a successful career afte that.


One of the most shamefully horrific things ever. Landis should have been rotting in jail for his part in this, no exceptions.


I will never understand how Landis got away with what he did.


What really gets under my skin is just the jovial, juvenile way John Landis acts in interviews for TV specials and documentaries when one of the biggest, bloodiest tragedies in film history he was responsible for is still dangling over his head like the sword of Damocles... and he acts as though it never happened with the tone of his voice and the look on his face when it clearly did!!! I understand that we all have to get on with our lives and not be burdened by past mistakes of our own doing, but something as extreme as this is NOT something you just sweep under the rug!!! If I were a filmmaker who had made a mistake like THIS, I wouldn't be so crass and callous about it, certainly WOULDN'T pretend it didn't happen - if anything, it would be MORE than enough cause for me to accept both blame and guilt for the crime and quit filmmaking altogether!!! That the parents of the children were THERE when the tragedy happened and saw their own children practically taken from them along with Morrow with their own eyes after being falsely reassured by Landis of no danger is MORE than merely heartbreaking, it's purely MORTIFYING on a deep and personal scale that I doubt ANYONE would be able to stomach!!! That it's not just him but a lot of people in Hollywood who know all about it yet tiptoed around the issue just to save their own hides and careers is just as cowardly and undignified as those who knew about Harvey Weinstein's crimes yet didn't openly speak about it publicly much earlier before #MeToo!!!


In his interviews he seems to believe he was the victim, while somehow having a bizarrely jovial attitude about the disaster he directed


Landis gets three people killed, goes on to have a fine career, while other careers are ruined by a grope session or a couple of tweets. Thanks for this video. I've been a fan of The Twilight Zone my whole life. Of course I remember the accident, but I've never known exactly what happened. I'm appalled at Landis' cavalier attitude and callousness over the results.


Landis's abhorrent lack of remorse is typical clinical Narcissism. They are always the victim no matter how their actions affect or harm others. What a horrific tragedy on all levels. The director and producers were knowingly breaking the law that put these children in the middle of this tragedy and yet the justice system provides no consequences. I'm confident Carma has found J.L. and will continue to shadow him till his last moments.


YAY JUST REALIZED THERES TWO VIDEOS!!! narrator if ur reading this, ur voice is the only one who soothes my autistic brain and i love it😭ur vids are the best


I grew up watching The Twilight Zone but had no idea about this story. Brilliant, thank you!


Landis was a hypocrit. He wrote a piece about racism and equality but felt others' lives and safety were unimportant.


Morrow Decapitated. . That is what I mainly remember about this accident. I had forgotten there were 2 innocent children as well who died. Tragic is a mild term for what happened


Landis not only acted reckless, but shady also. In other words suspect? 🤫


Coming off both Animal House and Blues Brothers, I wonder if he felt invincible professionally. He made many mistakes that contributed directly to this tragedy. What's disturbing still is that a few times he's responded to questions he comes off as both unapologetic and remorseless.


I'm a big fan of the Twilight zone and knew this story but there's a legend that morrow had a fear of flying and helecopters specifically because he had reoccurring dreams of dying whilst in one. As I understand he had spoken to a therapist about it and friends had told him it would be fine if he just didn't fly in one. It's weird but apparently true.


Seeing how his son turned out I don’t think Landis learned anything from this ordeal


Two kids and a actor who worked in classic movies dead, director still working.


Please advertise this channel more on the other channel. I only found this by accident.


I knew there was some kind of fiasco with Landis... but i didn't know all of this. It certainly sounds reckless. I'm surprised he didn't suffer jail time. Now that i know all of this... it certainly has tarnished his image thru my eyes.


Glad Steven Spielberg had enough of a conscience to cut ties with Landis.


Well, I never - heard of this until my partner and I watched and he told me about it, I didn’t think I would cry as hard as I did. Thank you for covering this.
