FSX Movie - 10 Years of FSX

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Well its almost 10 years now so heres a movie to celebrate. 10 Years since I picked up the game FSX. I was just a slight enthusiast then but now ten years later, FSX and aviation is more than just a hobby to me. Hope this FSX Movie does it justice. The Flight sim community is unlike any other. This FSX Movie barely caches what FSX is to all of us simmers out there. But hopefully this FSX Movie will show an experience that many of us shared. From the first flight around friday harbour, to the missions, then the default planes. Eventually I began downloading freeware planes like the Posky 777, and the Pairbus A380. Then I became addicted to FSX Movies. Something about planes flying around to mostly epic music really got to me. JRShipol and Max737Ifly have inspired me to continue to make better and better FSX Movies. Although it is beginning to seem more likely that we will eventually move over to P3D movies. Not Sure if I would still call them FSX Movie, oh well I guess we will all just have to find out. But once I had enough money I bought the PMDG 747. Then my dream plane came out, the PMDG 777LRX. That plane really is something else, its a dream to fly and I hope my FSX Movie conveyed just how amazing PMDG's work really is. Its been an incredible decade, and I'm glad I spent it with FSX,making FSX Movies.
A special thanks to PMDG, Orbx, Posky, Pairbus, Simbrief, and the entire community, we kept a game alive for a decade, long live FSX.

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This game was my favorite thing to do with my former stepdad. I can't begin to tell you how many hours he and I spend together in front of the computer flying together. Now I haven't seen him in 6 years and this game is the biggest part of him I have left. This video was really touching and brought back so many great memories. This game means so much to me and I don't think I could ever stop playing it.


It just reminds us;

*We all had to start somewhere.*

I was 7, i used to like planes back then, i liked doing things routinely, getting things moving.
I remembered my brother had an old disc of FSX (Boxed of course) and waited 2 hours for it to install on my old laptop, its also when i had the black widow joystick. It was basic, but it got my job done.

I started with a basic tutorial, i was good, i loved flying. My first landing was yet to be good, it was hard, RIP tire's heh.
After a few tutorials i moved into the 737, skipping regional jets and private jets. I liked the way the 737 worked, i liked commercial planes. Started off at gatwick, flew to london city just by guessing where it was, i used to get the plane out of control but regain it. I did okay landings.

I'm about 9 now, i had forgotten about FSX for an entire year, start playing it. I'm a smooth pilot, i decided to try flying online, i loved it, i met really good people and we flew around TNCM together.

Check in the next day to play, but i cant connect. Try find out why.

Multiplayer was gone.

I'm 11 now, i'd forgotten about FSX on purpose. But i wanted to come back for more. I start flying again, i flew for 10's of hours a day, Improving by the minute. I did everything manually my landings got better and i was smooth.

Forget about FSX yet again, due to SATS, high school, worry that i don't fit in.

MARCH 2017:

1 month until my birthday, i couldn't figure out what i wanted except for my PC and headphones. I remembered FSX. But i got XP11 instead

APRIL: Its my birthday, i get my PC, headphones, C A S H O3O and the game. Oh and a joystick hehe, but wait, THIS IS SO HARD? Whats this for? What's that for? WHERE ARE MY BELOVED TOOL TIPS? So i rush to steam, try to install FSX, do so, it wont load up :( (Crash on startup)

After about 3 weeks of searching, i had a corrupted memory file.

I made the decision to reset my pc. I installed steam and FSX:SE, i clicked start and..

Never have i been happier to hear menu music.

From that day, i was a flying MACHINE, i flew online, i did routinely flights with the C208 Grand caravan like freight things, and grew a liking for the airbus A321.

I got some A320 Addons, i loved the plane, it was easy for me to control.

Learn the autopilot on tutorials, GPS, ILS, and more.


I'm in the middle of a routinely flight from Gatwick to Glasgow, cruising at 30K ft, i just guess that the ILS co-ordinates would be runway 05, dial in the frequency, course, and get the vectors set up. Then i remember my Boxed FSX.

Took a look at it and thought to myself 'This is what started it all'

'This is why i want to be a pilot.'


Can't believe it's been 10 years since it came out. I was than only 5 when it came out and I started at about 10, and now I'm 15. Wow, I love fsx for life


This video deserves more likes and views!
I've had FSX since 2006... I've recently and finally upgraded to steam edition. I still have my box version next to my PC. Wow, 10 years it's been out. Feels so long.


I can tell you that this video has more meaning than any other FSX "Films". I've been making sim videos since 2009, I've seen the community grown, and I've also seen the community die. I was making videos constantly with the bug guys, Dexter11929 (where you got this song from lol), fsxAIRLINEguy, FLIGHTANIMATOR, JRSCHIPOL, etc etc etc. everyone's grown up and stopped simming and went our different ways. This video is so good, it brings me back to those nostalgic days. I miss it a lot. I'm proud of you, for resurrecting our passion. Keep at it ;) - FlyThompson2


FSX has been a lifeline when I have felt depressed after a difficult school day. The thought of being away from the bullies combined with the joy of soaring through the clouds and living my dream really helped me. This anniversary video really touched me, as FSX was so much more than a game to me.


I remember back in 2007 when my uncle showed me this fantastic simulator, and from then i wanted to be a Commercial Pilot.
Thank you, FSX!


That is the most beautiful movie for FSX I've ever seen. Well done dude.


Already 10 years, now even 11! I love my P3D and XP11 with addons but for some reason i just wanna go back to stock FSX and hear the intro music, like back in the days


Beautiful, sad that the Flight Sim series is slowly passing into the wayside with th advent of P3D, X-Plane 11, DTGFS, DCS, etc. and a lack of support from Microsoft.


Love it. You're right. It grasps everything about fsx. From the beginning, til now


I think I'm glad that I can say my boxed fsx from 2007 still works... Got so many addons for it I don't see a reason to switch to X-Plane.
As long as it runs stable...never change a winning team 😊


Damn look how FSX has developed now.. ive been playing this simulator since 2009 and it changed incredibly! Great video sir and wish you a happy flying :D


I remember i started playing fs2004 when i was 3 years old with my father and grandfather, so much nostalgia


Very respectable tribute! Love FSX...and all the add-ons!


So many memories. Great video captain!


This is a great video, every fsx fan should see this. The effort you must have put in to make this is insane. I ask everyone who sees this video to share it, and give this amazing person credit for what he has done! Great video :-)


Thank you so much for this! Can't believe most of the best games including FSX have been around for 10 years already! I still play on FS2004 though. FSX was mainly for multiplayer aha


The mission Caribbean landing... so much memories


i dont like many videos on youtube only if i find it worth it. well i did. I it is so accurate how my experience with fsx is and of many others. Verry verry nice job
