Worst Pro-Choice Argument I've EVER Seen

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K Hole Adventurer uses an analogy to show that the pro-life position is silly—that it’s kind of like arguing for the rights of a worm. Now, an argument from analogy is a special kind of inductive argument. Basically, it reasons that because two things are similar, what is true of the first is also true of the second. 

Of course, no analogy is perfect—there will always be differences. But for an argument from analogy to work, the similarities have to be significant and the differences have to be superficial. But if the opposite is true—if the differences are significant and the similarities are superficial—well, then, we have a problem.

Unfortunately for K Hole, this is a false analogy. The argument doesn’t work because tapeworms and humans are really different. The similarities are superficial, but the difference is a big deal. And you already know what it is. It’s the difference between the value of worms and the value of humans. Killing a worm is not the same as killing a human being.

But there’s a second problem. The analogy misunderstands the pro-life argument. We are not saying that anything inside your body with a heartbeat that feels pain has a right to life. We are not pro-life because something has a heartbeat, or feels pain, or is inside your body. We are pro-life because abortion kills a human being inside her own mother’s body. Our argument is that human beings at any stage of development have intrinsic value and should not be killed. 

So, the tweet uses a faulty analogy to argue there’s an inconsistency in the pro-life view. But there is nothing inconsistent about pro-lifers being against killing human beings who are intrinsically valuable and being for killing tapeworms because they’re just worms. Get it?

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"Professing to be wise they became fools." - Rom 1:22


I'm 10 weeks pregnant, first pregnancy, and the idea that someone would try to compare my baby to a tapeworm, a parasite which literally can kill its host if left untreated, is insanely stupid. It's one of those things that's so stupid it blows my mind someone even thought it was a valid argument. Also my pregnancy experience, although it's just the beginning, has really opened my eyes to just how evil abortion is. I had my first sonogram this week and got to see my baby kicking around and moving. Its super tiny right now but you cannot convince me that what I saw wasn't a living developing human. How much evil has to be in your heart to see so little value in a growing human life? Especially at a time when that human needs you to protect it the most.


Another fail of this argument was when he said the worm chose the host. A baby doesn't choose the parents


I would've stayed in college if I had more professors like Mr. B.


With this false analogy, someone could take it further and say that because it's ok for birds to eat worms, it would be ok to feed our already born babies to birds. The absurdity of these arguments could go on.


"When you're backing out of the driveway, you're checking for toddlers, not worms" 😅


Also, they dismiss the whole argument about who is doing the choosing here.


Also: human women's bodies are natrually ordered towards childbearing whereas NO human body is naturally ordered towards being a tapeworm host! (got this idea from Trent Horn). Completely false analogy, good dismantling of the tweet.


Imagine being so bloodthirsty that all of the sudden a human becomes no more valuable than a tapeworm in your sight.

These people have ethical and human value issues...


I'm sure if presented with his own death or the death of a tape worm his argument for value of human life versus the value of a tape worm's life would not be consistent with this.


It's all about devaluing life. I couldn't imagine comparing kids to tapeworms. Imagine if this was taught in school or kids learned this, kids would be heart broken. Unfortunately I think that's what these people want.


1. It grows so its life
2. Its genetically human so its human
3. Its genetically separate from the parents so it's an individual.

Its a living human individual. Their argument here presupposes that their argument is true, that it is not yet a human and ignores the main pro-life argument that it is a human. They find it easier to ignore this fact because it is clearly a human being when properly defined.


Guys my neighbor ran over a worm this morning but when I called the police they just laughed at me. Truly we live in dark times 😞


The red ink wasted on this argument is more valuable than the worm.


"My Tapeworm, My Choice "
"Don't Tape Shame me"

Along with the face expression... Gold


Unfortunately, there are people that think an unborn baby is a parasite.


I can't believe that was a real thing 🤦. Great job addressing it. Thank you 🙂


“But Mr. B! My biology professor said we share 10% of our DNA with tape worms! If you think about it we’re not that different!” jk good video!


Definitely could've waited until I was done eating lunch before seeing those tapeworms
