Great Hope for The Barrier Reef

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REEF REBELS Episode 1: Great Hope for The Barrier Reef

Despite continuous bad publicity, the true state of the Great Barrier Reef is far less depressing than most people realise. This is the first of a series of information-packed videos and gives an overview of one of the wonders of the world.

Peter Ridd has been researching the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, has invented a range of advanced scientific instrumentation, and written over 100 scientific publications.

See also Peter Ridd’s science facebook page

Media: Leonard Lim
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Well done Peter. I am fully supportive of your work and views. No, it is not blind, I am 55 yrs and have lived on and dived large portions of our beautiful reef since I was a small child. I have watched it grow, and die off in some places and then regrow. Watched it spawn, watched it slowly evolve (in appearance), watched it covered in millions of tonnes off soil from the western dust storms, watched it before and after the big cyclones like Yasi, and watched it resiliently recover.
Like most of us that live here I am quite protective of our reef and take care to keep a low impact whilst I am there. I become quite alarmed at the Climate Doom and Gloom Cult reports on the GBR as they are highly exaggerated and often 100% misleading, most especially the reports suggesting that we don't care about the GBR or abuse it.
Yes there are always some issues with mans interaction with the reef, but I find personally that the wrong doers are a small group, and the rest of us are quick to jump on them when we see it.
Natural Climate change will have some impact, but corral reefs all over the world are a dynamic ecosystem capable of adapting and moving to favourable locations depending upon the conditions of the times.
The acid H2CO3 is something to monitor, but also natural ocean salinity is said to be decreasing toward the lower end of what marine life can tolerate. <- I can't find concussive evidence on this or local data on salinity as I am no longer working in the oceanic realm. (appreciate and studies on this if you are aware of them)
Also a question if you have time. Ocean level rise. Many reports say that ocean level along the coast has raised dramatically in recent decades. Living not far north of you with many low level salt plains which can change dramatically in water coverage from small increases (not indifferent to what is found south of T'ville on the way out to the AIMS center at Cape Ferguson).
Watching these low level areas over a life time I cannot see anything that has suggested a significant increase other than the normal spring tides etc. This is a "subjective" view from watching areas that would normally flood on high tides as I don't have any measuring equipment monitory this.
Do you see Ocean rise in the Cairns to Townsville data?


Legend for telling the truth brother!


Great content but you’ve gone overboard on the effects. Tone them down just a bit.


Brilliant Peter!!! Love this series explaining the facts of the reef! The game fishing charter fleet industry is 100% behind you! 🤩


Hi Peter. I turned my computer on this morning and saw an article on the reef.
MSN news, AAP stating a NEW problem on the reef is Wonky Holes or underground rivers releasing nutrients.
As a fishermen I know for a fact schools of fish congregate around the outlets/vents.
Apparently, they were formed around 11.000 years ago.

You have proven record coral bloom, yet now they come up with a new scare.


Sad how few views and likes this vital program has.
Just for fun see if you can get Dr John Campbell, Russell Brand or Tucker Carlson to interview you. They might do it for the views an you would ger a good deal of exposure and gain some subscribers. It would also be interesting to hear what reason they give fr not interviewing you as it is a very important topic and these people are all interest in important topics. You can look around for a few other potential people, one or two Aus senators are also interested in facts and have a social media following that could help.
