NGRX Developer tools | debugging in NGRX using redux devTools | Angular 16- NGRX Tutorial

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This is the 8th video in Angular 16 - NGRX Tutorial . It explains how to install/configure ngrx/store-devtools & how to use it
Steps followed
1,Add Redux-devtools extension
2, Install ngrx/store devtools package
Source code GitHub Link
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This is the 8th video in Angular 16 - NGRX Tutorial . It explains how to install/configure ngrx/store-devtools & how to use it
Steps followed
1,Add Redux-devtools extension
2, Install ngrx/store devtools package
Source code GitHub Link
Join this channel to get access to perks:
NGRX Developer tools | debugging in NGRX using redux devTools | Angular 16- NGRX Tutorial
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