The BIGGEST Disbelief about IVERMECTIN and COVID

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The BIGGEST Disbelief about IVERMECTIN and COVID

Ivermectin is used to treat head lice and certain parasitic infections.
But for COVID?
The WHO, CDC, FDA, and IDSA say it should not be used for COVID.
UNLESS it's in a clinical trial.

But that didn’t stop this guy, who chose ivermectin over the vaccine. Captain Joe Manning, 57, A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vax messages on Facebook, died of COVID.
Why would some people want a drug that is not FDA approved for COVID?
Because it has not been proven to be effective and has not been proven to be safe.
Why would someone choose that over something that has been proven safe and effective in preventing COVID?

🩺 Ask Doctor Hansen:


Dexamethasone video:

Well, we do kind of have that with dexamethasone. AKA decadron, which is a steroid that is very similar to prednisone. It’s the one drug with the most solid evidence for reducing the severity of COVID illness, including reducing mortality. And it's cheap too. But it's not a miracle drug.

So how do we know if ivermectin
1) works
2) if so, what dose is required for it to work
3) is that dose safe for ingestion???
The ivermectin hype train left the station back in April of 2020.
It all started with this study that looked at the virus in a test tube when scientists suffocated it with massive doses of ivermectin.

And surprise, surprise, guess what the results showed?
There was a major drop in viral replication. And that’s great, right? It’s a starting point. It's saying, hey, we might have something here. But there's a problem. The inhibitory concentration of the drug, around 2.5 micromolar, is not achievable in real live humans. In fact, standard ivermectin dosing achieves blood concentrations of about 25 nanomolar, 100-fold less than needed in vitro. Lung concentrations are slightly higher than blood concentrations but still 50-fold less than what is needed to inhibit the virus in cells in culture.

But ok, maybe it works not necessarily by inhibiting viral replication; maybe it can help suppress inflammation from COVID.So you start doing some observational studies. Observational studies are not great, but they serve a purpose because you want to see if there is any correlation between ivermectin and its potential to help against COVID. If you see a correlation, that warrants spending more time and money to do a bigger, higher-quality study to prove or disprove that the drug is safe and effective. And the best studies for that are double-blinded, randomized placebo control trials. The more people in the study, the more you can rely on the results. That is how you prove cause and effect.

So you take 30,000 people, give half of them a placebo, and the other half the medicine. Then you look at your results, and that is how you get your answer if it's safe and effective. That’s the process that was done with the vaccines. The same can not be said for Ivermectin.

Generally speaking, when given doses used to treat parasitic infections in humans, ivermectin is very safe. So we’re talking about 200 mcg per kilogram, so for a 75 kg person, around 165 pounds, you’re looking at a 15 mg dose. Before the pandemic, prescriptions for ivermectin in this country were 3,600 per week. Now they are more than 88,000 per week.

But even more concerning is people getting the drug from livestock supply centers, which can come in a highly concentrated paste or liquid forms?
Sometimes 10 to 15 times the amount that we give people.

Well, guess what?
Mississippi’s health department said that 70% of recent calls to the state poison control center had come from people who ingested ivermectin from livestock supply stores. Same thing going on in Alabama.
What are the common symptoms?
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. But there’s also nerve damage, seizures, and sometimes death.

Doctor Mike Hansen, MD
Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine

#covid #ivermectin #vaccine
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Worked for my co-worker. He was getting worse and worse with covid. He told me he couldn't stand because he was so weak and couldn't catch his breath. Then started using ivermectin that his cousin shipped him (yes the human kind) and got better in 3 days. This is why doctors shouldn't dictate what people are allowed to take. Let the patient choose what they want. Whether it be a vaccine, natural immunity, or even ivermectin. Doctors should advise and recommend with professional opinion. But in the end the patients are the ones who should choose whats best for them and they should be granted access to it.


Dr Hanson, can you explain why covid deaths dropped by 97% in India 5 weeks after making ivermectin available?


All I know is that I could barely stand with my breathing extremely labored for two days. I took IVM (prescribed with proper dosage) and 2 hours later all symptoms were gone. They did not return.


Approved or not, it worked wonderfully for me, I am 64 and I was hit hard. But chloroquine and ivermectin worked wonderfully.


Ivermectin has been around the block and is safe if used correctly but you'd rather have people take vaccines that haven't been tested long term yet. Something is wrong with this scenario.


My brother was infected by covid19 after first shot of astrazenica, and got severe. He was monitored to take 8 caps of ivermectin for 3 days due to his weight.. also with steaming and sodium ascorbate...So happy cause now he is recovering w/o being hospitalized... just sharing the true to life experience...


Your next video should be about all the people who died but could have been saved with Ivermectin. I'll wait.


My friend was very sick with covid he was in Mexico. He took ivermectin and felt better.


The question should not be, "Should I take Ivermectin, or get a vaccine?" It should be, "Why can't people who are infected, or can't get a vaccine, participate in an Ivermectin trial?" 🤔


The study I saw when I googled it was from Argentina. It was given to a placebo group vs ivermectin group of a few hundred covid+ patients each. The ivermectin group cleared sars-cov-2 viral load on average 5 days, placebo group average 10 or 12 days.
Like the first 3 results are studies that confirm ivermectin helps? What am I missing


Now, also talk about the failures of Remdesivir...


Have these jabs been proved to be “ safe and effective “ ? Long term, nobody knows


These kinds of videos are just comical at this point. Ivermectin’s success has gone way beyond anecdotal at this point. But like all drugs they must be used correctly. 🙄


Don’t know about everyone, but it worked for my Niece and her family, 🤷‍♀️


India cases plummeted though vaccination rate was low because their doctors prescribing Ivermectin as one of the cocktail drugs for early treatment. Now Indonesia cases plummeted after their hospitals prescribed this drug. While countries with high vaccination experiencing high surge of cases and deaths. Explain that.


Has water been approved by the FDA? If not, why would you put it in your body?


We just had 2 friends non vaccinated get covid. One tested positive his 4th day of feeling sick. He took prescription human grade ivermectin and 4 days later feeling like new, tested negative. His wife thought she was having mild covid, awoke on her 5fh day struggling to breath was in hospital 2 days. Both recovered it took her a week longer to feel okay while he had no symptoms went back to work.


If you look at the limitations of the study to which you referred at 6:30 the conclusions are very limited in scope and population. It appears to be a very poor study with minimal useful results It certainly doesn't address whether ivermectin reduces death in those patients most likely to suffer that result. To extend these conclusions to say that ivermectin is not an effective treatment is premature to say the least.


I would like to see you interact with the statements made by Dr. Peter McCullough's testimony before the Texas Senate HHS Committee.
