And more by Weirdvoids (Medium Demon)

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decoration wise this level is great, especially from 40-100%. however, the gameplay is really unbalanced with the first 2 clicks of the drop being brutally hard, and the wave at ~80% has two tight gaps at 4x speed, and some visibility issues in the predrop that make it hard to see where you’re going. there are also some bugs:
1. if you hit the green orb at 56% too early you can’t land on the next platform
2. if you go down at 60% too early you will miss the next platform
3. you can hit the spikes at the top at 68% if you click too early

Attempts: 280 + ~120 from (an accidentally) deleted copyable (9th hardest)
Personal rating: mid-tier medium demon (5/15)
Enjoyment: 6/10
Worst fail: 80%

my top 10 hardest demons (i suck)
1. lightshow by oleki (850)
2. one eyed man by flash (557)
3. metal test by overdefo (603)
4. bury the sun by mcres (550)
5. sky watching by gogbone (446)
6. speequ by tenzk (450)
7. brb by kcool101 (797)
8. blast bismuth by lillyvx (376)
9. (and more)
10. dash madness by iamrozz (608)
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