I FINALLY Figured It Out (Canon R6 AF Settings)

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After owning the Canon R6 for almost 2 years I'm finally ready to share my updated Auto Focus settings that I use daily. I use these settings for weddings, portraits and taking photos of my family and am loving the results I'm getting!

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0:00 Intro
0:25 Touch & Drag
3:22 Using Servo
4:16 Eye Tracking AF
5:09 Customized AF Buttons
6:56 Orientation Linked AF Point
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Another cool setting that utilizes the touch and drag:
Go to AF menu #5. The first option "Initial Servo AF pt for (face). Change that from AUTO to the top option.
This allows you to drag a box to your subject and it will then track that face/eye only. With using AUTO you get the issues you had described of the camera wanting to track people that aren't necessarily your subject.


I just purchased an R6 and I'm so excited! Considering I'm coming from a Rebel T5, this is a huge upgrade. I'm ready to take my photography from a sometimes buisness to a full time buisness! :) Keep the R6 videos coming, you're one of my favorite people to learn from. You explain things in a way that resonates with me, and that I can remember in real life situations.


Another further optimization of your setup:
Go to AF menu # 1 and set "AF Operation" to "SERVO AF".
Then you don't need to use the button on the far right of the back to switch between SERVO and One Shot, since the AF-ON and *-button now works as both Servo and One Shot, at the same time. How?
To use the Servo function, press and hold the AF-ON button.
To use One shot, press the AF-ON button once to find focus, and when the button is released the focus is locked. To refresh focus, just press and release the button again.

This works in the same way for eye-tracking on the *-button.


as a female wedding photographer, i only consistently watch your videos to learn more about my business, how to build confidence, how to better my work and general motivation. So grateful for women like you that cater to us <3 so many small tips youve taught me have LITERALLY saved me HOURS of work. other tech specs videos about cameras and tricks i have to watch 5x each to understand what they're talking about, and also tend to get boring but you're are always so fun to watch. much love from a toronto wedding photographer! <3


I too use the Star and Grid buttons for types of autofocus. I just learned that I can program C1, C2, and C3 to have different back button autofocus modes. I use C1 for street and general photography. C2 for groups of people like weddings and events. C3 is for my landscape photography. To keep it clear in my head, I just pretend I'm switching out to a duplicate backup camera meant for X job. So My C1 camera is street photography.. Then my C2 camera is my Wedding photography. Then C3 Landscape work camera. Simple!


I FINALLY PURCHASED THE R6!!! I am using it for a session for the first time today and watching this video is SUPER helpful! Thank you so much!!!


I was feeling overwhelmed by the R6. Just watched this video of yours and realize I have found someone who can help me. Thank you!


Thank you for the video. I have the R6 and love it but use it almost exclusively for real estate photography. Every now and then I get "volunteered" for other types of photography because my real estate photograph is so good. People often assume if you can do one type of photography well, you can do all types of photography well. That sends me to YouTube for helpful videos. Your video was helpful in learning more AF settings. Thank you!


I can’t tell you how helpful this was. As someone who loved to be in control and was just not loving this camera, I am now feeling so much better about it. I love that I can choose when to use eye detection a lot easier now. Thank you so much for this.


One thing that made a massive difference in my ability to accurately utilize eye detect to lock onto my main subject in groups/crowds was ensuring that the “Initial Servo AF pt for [Live Tracking]” (AF Menu 5) is set to “AF pt set for [spot].”

With this setup, I’m able to put the small spot focus point (or even the expanded spot options) on my main subject’s face then activate Eye AF with the designated back button focus button and the camera will lock onto my subject’s eye or face. Conversely, I found that when I tried using “Initial AF pt set for [Live Tracking], the camera would completely ignore my spot AF point and chose to lock onto whichever random eye the camera thought was the right one.

It’s also useful to use AF Case 2 with the “Tracking Sensitivity” set to -2 and adjust the “Switching Tracked Subjects” (AF Menu 4) to 0.


Katelyn...the eye-tracking customization on the * button was a great idea!!! I paused the video so I could program mine right away. I can't believe I never thought to do that so thank you!!


All great input! Thanks so much!!! I modified your old “top right” choice to “right side” so the touch and drag would work when shooting with the battery grip in the vertical position. Love ya! B y e !!! 🤣


I have been looking all over for this! I just purchased my EOS RP and you made me just fall in love with my camera!! Thank you!


I recently upgraded to mirrorless and the R6 and have been feeling a bit lost by the new focus modes, this was really helpful thanks.


I recently watched a video with Rudy Winston of Canon. He said that "1-point AF", "Expand AF area", and "Expand AF area: Around" all use the same size AF point. The only difference between the three is if the camera cannot determine a focus point, it will go outside of the initial point to either 4 or 9 points to try and obtain a focus. The second two AF settings do not focus on a larger area as most of us think.


Omg, THANK YOU for this video! I was missing shots and losing images due to not understand how to control of my focus points! You changed the game for me!


I can't tell you how helpful this has been for me today, been having a problem with eye tracking when the Bride walks up the aisle. I will try this in the future.


The best useful presentation of AF features for R6/R5 I ever see. This is the proof you aren't a youtuber. And congrats for that!


I have just gone from the 5dMKIV to the 6dMKII -Thanks for this video.

So much more stuff in this camera it was kinda overwhelming


Shortly upgrading from my old 6D.
It's been such a simple & reliable tool to use.
Been hearing about how many autofocus things there are to learn with R6.
But I've learned a little already from this video.
Many thanks.
