What is Islam? - Islam 101 Series - Conscious Reminders

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What is Islam? - Islam 101 Series - Conscious Reminders

Islam is to submit wholeheartedly and to surrender yourself to the one God Allah.
It is the religion of Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Moses and Muhammed (peace be upon them all).
Islam is the religion of Tawheed, meaning the worship of one God alone and associating no partners with Him.
Today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. One out of every five person on this earth is a Muslim. It encompasses all races and creeds, skin colours and tribes, from all corners of the earth.
Islam was revealed to humanity in stages throughout time. Messengers like Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them both) where given the responsibility to spread Islam to the world. The last messenger and the greatest of them all to pass on this message was a man called Muhammed (peace be upon him). This final message was revealed through the Quran, the very words of Allah unchanged or tainted.
Islam is the greatest religion, the religion of peace, the religion of justice, the religion of compassion, and religion of Allah.
My Vlog Series
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Islam 101 Series
What is Islam?

Please watch: "☑️ How to become a Muslim - A step by step guide 😊"
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Hey guys, if you have any questions on the top of Islam or any other questions thats on your mind, please do leave me a comment below and I will reply back to you as soon as possible 😊
