The Holy Priesthood of the Catholic Church

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May God bless every traditional priest on this earth🙏❤🌷


Proud, privileged and very thankful to God to be a Catholic! I believe it's God who had chosen me to be a Christian Catholic.Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Greetings and best wishes from Colombo Sri Lanka! Glory to God in the highest and peace to all the people on earth!😇😇😇🌹🌹🌹


Qué grande eres. Has orado por mí y Dios te ha oído. Te tengo que estar agradecida de por vida por qué tú sí eres un ciervo del Señor🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


A mi en un futuro me gustaría ser sacerdote tradicional. Os pido que receis por mi al Sacratisimo Corazón de Jesús


Please pray the Rosary for our Pope and for our good and Holy Priests!🌹


Catholic Christianity is the most beautiful.


Oremos por todos los sacerdotes que verdaderamente entregan su Vida al servicio De Dios oremos por el papa Francisco y por vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas y laicos comprometidos no dejemos de orar por ellos por favor unámoslos siempre en oración la oración del justo tiene poder 🙏❤️🕊


Music was poorly chosen! Christian Rock ballad with its vague message is more fitting for an evangelical Protestant video than one promoting the Traditional Catholic Priesthood Next time try pairing your video with Gregorian Chant. That would make more sense!


Un canto in latino a mio avviso era molto più appropriato...grazie Sur Sum Corda Loreta


The music is not sacred. It is inappropriate for this video.

To the A prayer and plea The purpose we were created for was to know, love and serve God, but we are not manifesting our belief in the risen Lord, fully. We cannot profess to live our purpose as Catholics when we face a catastrophic situation in the world and fail to bring the Living Lord and Our Lady to the nation in a profound manner.

Is it not our purpose to proclaim the wonders of the Resurrection? Yes! But, boiling beneath us is the blood our nation has on its hands because of genocide of human life by abortion. And, It is far beyond time to open the Tabernacle Doors of every Church in the nation and take our Lord and our Lady to the streets to every abortion mill and medical research center that are using fetal remains. Bring massive peaceful processions of the faithful praying the Rosary with the Blessed Sacrament!

Is it not the purpose of the priest to bring salvation in Christ? Do priests really believe that Christ is risen and living in the Eucharist on earth or not? If so, why has the risen Lord not been brought to streets nationwide in a massive effort? Do they believe Our Lord and Lady will bring the triumph or do they put their purpose in a distraction of politics? Our nation desperately needs Priests to renew their faith and grow in holiness that they may live their purpose. My prayers are for such priests to renew and rise with Christ for the Soul of Our nation. My prayers are for you, Father.

Serious research will reveal the Communist regime is in the end stages of the world takeover. The diversity demons, the revolutionaries demons, the media demons, the covid demons , the racial demons are all a part of the division and distractions. Use of fetal tissue for medical treatments and vaccine for Covid are all a part of the plan of the Communist regime.

Our Lady did not promise we would be spared the chastisement. It is the fact that the regime had infiltrated into every government worldwide and into the Catholic Church . They have no intention of unity. They want a destructive takeover. Our nation will face the justice of God for the millions of babies killed. And, the salvation of souls is in grave danger.

And, now, Trump is promoting medical treatment be developed by the millions of doses that originated from fetal tissue of an aborted human life and promoting Regeneron biotech company that uses human tissue for other research. They are getting richer by the minute. No one can vote for either Biden or Trump without the violation of conscience and violation of Church teaching

Vanguard Investments ( a financial company whose net worth is 5.5 trillion) purchased hundreds of thousands of stock in Regeneron biotech company in FEBRUARY! It has now risen to $600.00 per share! Vanguard hopes now that those millions of doses of Regeneron will be manufactured. Vanguard now owns over one fifth of a stake in Regeneron. We cannot promote this company or any President promoting it. There can be no compromise! Yet, many clergy appear to be more interested in getting Trump elected than about the salvation of souls.

As Catholics, we need to remember our true purpose of life. We need the focus to pray the Rosary because Our Lady will help all who pray it. The Faith in the US is deeply fallen. We need to pray for our nation. And, for the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, of whom many have turned a blind eye to the Communism within our own government and our own Church. The Bishops are not speaking out the truth about the peril we are all in.

If we want help, we must do what Our Lady asks and stop offending the Lord. Let us leave behind the distractions and divisions and pray the rosary and renew our faith with focus on the risen Lord presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us bring processions nationwide with the Risen Lord leading in the Blessed Sacrament to every abortion mill and medical research center using fetal remains for medical treatments and vaccines for Covid. Let us cry out for the clergy to open every Church for Confessions, Mass and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Priests, bishops, cardinals must do this immediately before there is no chance for Confession and more souls lost. Let us remember our purpose and put the power where it belongs, in the hands of Our LORD and Lady!

Trump, nor any politician is our Saviour. Christ is. And, He is living. Let us pray for our bishops, priests, cardinals who have been asleep and are lukewarm in the faith of the the power of the Living precedence of Christ! Let us pray for holy shepherds to go out and gather the lost sheep.

The Church has a purpose! We must unite! We cannot standby and witness legions of demons destroy our nation! We must renew and restore and repent! There is no time to waste. We are in a trap devised by Satan. The only power on earth to stop this is Our Lord and Our Lady. And, it is the purpose of the Church to unite in every city, state and Church of this nation.

Multitudes are lost because our clergy is lost. Oh Shepherds! Many of you have betrayed our Lord and have not been obedient! Truly, the shepherds have been struck and the sheep are scattered! Renew your Faith and return to the faithful.

Let's us profess and proclaim salvation in Our God! Our Lord and Our Lady want us to live our true purpose! Lead A Spiritual Army for Our Lord and Our Lady. This spiritual war can only been defeated by them. If we want Peace, we must proclaim it, in and through, with and by, the power of the Most Holy Spirit, and in the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I make a plea to every Cardinal, Bishop, and Priest in the nation to Open every Tabernacle of the nation . GO And knock on the doors of the American people and bring Christ presence to the people streets to pray for this nation! Replace the Politics with Prayer! Bring the pleas of the spiritual war to our Lord and Our Lady. This is a choice between Christ or Satan. It's not about the Constitution, it's about Christ. Are you still fighting for Christ? Christ lifts the world from death to life. He is the freedom! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Our purpose is One, Holy, Catholic and APOSTOLIC Church, United by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us REALLY follow Jesus! My prayers for all the faithful in the Blessed name of Jesus. May His Mercy come to Our Church that we may live the purpose to which we have been called!


Why are women barred/banned from the priesthood?
