Logical fallacies, part 20. Appeal to emotion.

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Or when someone says " come on man, i know i owe ya 1000$ for 2 years, but you got to lend me 3406$ more, i thought you were my friend"

Or " ill kil ma self id ya dont do such and such"

But also, they are mot exclusive to others, since we tend to manipulate ourselves in the same way:

" damn if i dont buy this expencive shirt than why even bother showing up at school again "

Or when we "i know this is what all the facts say but i just dont feel right about working out"
I mean, we could have some problems with mental health in reguards to thease too, but there has to be a difference between an explanation and an excuse.

Also, sometimes there isnt anything wrong with an emotional appeal.
Othertimes we just dont notice doing them.

If you're a particularly self critical person, be aware that you might notice logical fallacies everywhare, after learning a lot of them, and it can get pretty tiering sometimes, so keep in mind that people will do them comonly, so pick your battles, since sometimes its not that important to point them out, or to think that someone might be making a fool out of you.
Also, chances are that most people do them unconsciously because they just dont know any better. They never learned them intelectually, but theyve learned them instinctively, and they know they work to get a cirtain result.

Maybe a friend asks me for a favour using a logical fallacy as the basis for why i should do the favour, and here in a lot of cases it is forgivable since they mighy have been helpful to you when you asked in the past, for example.

Have a nice day
