Yost v. Wabash College (2014) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary

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A college freshman, Yost, sued his college, campus fraternity, national fraternity organization, and a fraternity member for injuries he sustained during a hazing incident in the fraternity house. The trial court granted summary judgment for the college and national fraternity but not for the campus fraternity. The Court of Appeals affirmed the grant of summary judgment for the college and national fraternity but reversed it for the campus fraternity. The Supreme Court of Indiana granted transfer. Yost claimed that Wabash College had a duty to protect him but failed to prove it. The national fraternity did not have a general duty to Yost, and the local fraternity's duty of care arose from its duty to prevent hazing during fraternity activities. The case was remanded to the trial court.

Yost v. Wabash College (2014)
Supreme Court of Indiana
3 N.E.3d 509


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