Reporting Table Creation In R: Meeting Specific Needs With a General Framework

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Gabe, Statistical Computing Consultant, will present the rtables package in three contexts. First, he will briefly present the package itself and how it can be used to create reporting tables, including those suitable for regulatory submissions. He will then discuss where rtables fit in the larger process of filing-table creation within Roche. Finally, he will pivot to discussing what contributed to rtables’ success as a general framework intended to meet specific needs and what lessons those in Industry can draw from its development.

Main Sections

0:00 Introduction
4:55 Introduction to Meeting specific needs with a general framework
8:58 rtables - What
39:56 Abstraction and types of effort - Why
50:33 Research, innovation, and stakeholders needs
57:54 Next Steps
59:48 General Q&A

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Thank you Sir(s) for hosting this video.


Can we generate pdf of tables ...using table package..of R.?


I was so interested on the topic but the video was not clear, it is so I couldn't follow it properly


El acento tan falso y artificial con el que habla este tipo, según el muy (british) y superior al mundo entero hace pesadísimo ver el video, casi una tortura. Lástima porque es un tema necesario
