How to use EnvironmentObject in SwiftUI (SwiftUI Tutorial, SwiftUI Data Flow)

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In this SwiftUI tutorial, we’ll be looking at an interesting topic in SwiftUI and one of the SwiftUI basics, SwiftUI Data Flow. We’ll start of in this video looking at how to use @EnvironmentObject Property Wrapper in SwiftUI, discuss best practises for when to use the @EnvironmentObject Property Wrapper in SwiftUI & also some other tips from Apple.

Well let’s jump into this swiftui tutorial to find out the answer all your questions.

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#tundsdev #swiftuiobservedobject #whatisobservedobjectswiftui #swiftuipropertywrappers #swiftuibasics
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Great breakdown of @EnvironmentObject. Thank you!


Good video. It cleared up a lot of confusion for me.


I wish you good luck on your channel. You surely have a good understanding and a clear method on teaching what you know. Good Luck.


This is super. Breaking everything down into these shorter videos and using a really simple counter as your example through this and some of the other videos meant I could pay more attention to how the data was being passed (instead of trying to understand the view or the view model itself)... thanks!


I like how you skip out all the boring typing. Good stuff


Nice video again, I am seeing that Apple recommend almost every single view to be in a separate file and to have one contentview, which actually calls all of his elements. In such scenarios the usage of @observableobject really loses it's strength.

If I may give you a suggestion for a new video it would be for NavigationStack. Currently everyone is using it if you are going from a List and select a row and so on, but what if you are opening a new screen from a button and go multiple screens and have to use path (in order to have "popToRootVC", i.e. path = [])


great work. How about CloudKit & iCloud notification . Regards
