Společenství Power Presence of God Ministries (PPGM) 2022

Показать описание
Power Presence of God Ministries (PPGM) is located in Prague, Czech Republic. Our members are surrogates for Christ wherever they go, by sharing the undiluted word and unconditional love of God. We support the needy, heal the sick and cast out demons.
Рекомендации по теме

Podpořte PPGM programy platbou na tento účet 2802237594/2010 nebo www.ppgministries.com/donate

Věřte, že Bůh vám mocně požehná, když se rozhodnete vzdát něčeho pro něj, on vám oplatí mnohem více! 🙏🏼

Support PPGM programs by paying to this account 2802237594/2010 or www.ppgministries.com/donate

Believe that God will bless you mightily when you decide to give up something for him, he will repay you with much more! 🙏🏼
