MyWFG Story: Help I Got Scammed By World Financial Group (Part 2)

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This section is intentionally left blank (I've always wanted to say that)


Brief Overview
In Part 2 of this MyWFG Story series, I covered a Reddit post where someone felt that they got scammed by WFG after they joined. Here's an excerpt of what they said,

"So I messed up big time. Long story short, I signed up to be an associate in the World Financial Group (WFG) yesterday. Thought it would be a good way to make money while I was job searching. But after talking to my SO and searching online, as you all know, it's a pyramid scheme. Feeling really stupid right now."

MyWFG is a website where associates can log in to view their dashboard and manage their business, but there's a lot of one sided arguments happening online and offline that can side track someone in WFG if they are not prepared. This is why it's important to seek understanding of what others are saying so a more reasonable and objective response can be given so a more accurate conclusion can be come to.




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I love WFG!!! It's life growing, skill building and very empowering!!! I wish that person the best of luck, playing in big leagues can be scary to those that fear growth!!!


Yes Whoever recruited didn't explain well. Same with me, they show you a bunch of testimonials but never say what the job actaully is, then tried to make me fork out $100. That kind of marketing really hits my senses.


You also give your SSN all the time even if you sign up for a job application online for something like McDonalds. Also yes, you can easily ask for a new credit card with new numbers. - Sounds like the person who signed up didn't try to do the business. You don't get automatic payment, you have to work like a real job. It is not an MLM. People who work hard can surpass someone who's higher than them. It's performance-based not pyramid base.


I paid 500$ fee to a agency to get my non professional full time job.
Even they don't pay high salary.
That is pyramid job. 1 boss few workers.
WFG has no boss. Everyone has individual ownership. Business licenses from Federal Government.


1)Please avoid using the word “RECRUIT/HIRE”. Companies spend a lot of money and time to recruit a candidate. Please don’t demean the word. You can say “LIE/FORCE/TRAP etc

2) WFG does not allow you to work with them if you are already working full time with another financial institute. They will tell it at the end after you have already spend 600$ with them. Next they will make you lie and sign a document which says that you do not work with any other financial absolutely at your own risk.

3) getting license 500$
Next yearly 600$ to maintain your license.

4) you will be forced to buy insurance even if you have your own.


Thank you for clarifying this topic for some out there. WFG is a marketing company for insurance services and other financial products. That's all. They require an AMA and is as equal to a real state broker firm. And yes, a PYRAMID SCHEME IS ALSO CALLED A J.O.B.! No, I did not drink the Kool-Aid... I did some research (Federal and state, BBB, etc)

The compensation plan is actually pretty good, but as with any self-employed and contractor opportunity, the agent needs to hustle, otherwise, you will not make money.

The company has been around since 1990, and the insurance industry is more regulated than banks in the USA. WFG is a marketing firm and as such, is not perfect. Is run and used by people which implicitly means some will do the work and the majority won't, expecting little effort for a huge payout.

When signing with any MLM (Herbalife, Amway, Avon, etc) you become a free non-employee, so there is a lot of work that the new "recruit" needs to do to make money. Go ahead and open a business with a good track record and only spend $500 and very low overhead, and just seat there waiting for "clients" and "partners" come knocking your door... I want to see it.

I believe their opportunity is great, the growth and income potential is almost unlimited and the compensation plan is top notch, only Amway has a better plan (Unlimited matrix)


get a college or university degree and still be stuck in a minimum wage job now thats a scam


great parallel @ top of the video, comparing to college being a scam, which if you look @ the rate of graduates to the rate of people getting jobs, it is overwhelmingly pathetic and makes the higher education system seem like a ponzi/e scheme....


To be HONEST you were HARD SOLD INTO A ESSENTIAL PRODUCT and Financial Learning Experiance. When/if you die and get a ?$500, 000? Check to your grieving family You Saved Them from BK and Finacial decline! But won't be able to post a Review about it. Thats more Essential then Oil's. Your in a Great Postion you did your family a solid. Congrats! Please Change your Title and post because it will hurt essential decisions- Thanks for understanding! I understand all /any business is not for everyone but, WFG mission is HONORABLE! There for you DID NOT GET SCAMMED you just didn't want to persue a Honrable Business which is Fact as you stated.


WFG is the only company that offers for free 5 financial workshops, and give you a free book to learn for yourself, we teach at churches, bussinesses, schools, and even did woekshops for the FBI. We take the time to educate families first then only help them with a solution if they ask and on top of that only give them what they pick and want. Have not seen a bank or any other comapny do that yet.


question, how can I obtain a detailed list of products that wfg agents sell, and what licenses are required?


99% of people that join an MLM Lose money instead of making money. If dude doesn't want what you're sell he deserves their money back. You're just victim blaming at this point. Who ever signed that guy up obviously didn't explain to him what he was paying for, that alone is shady as fuxk 🤣😂🤔now that's a scame or at very least fraud


If you spent as much time as you do complaining and making excuses for yourself for failing in that business, you'd make a solid living working with WFG/TFA.


Nobody is forcing you to sign up. WFG is a good source of income if you are hard-working and diligent with your time. You get what you work for. That’s why those who sign up should have an entrepreneurial mindset. Because nobody gives you the business, you receive only tools to grow it yourself. The income therefore is much more generous than working 9 to 5 and receive only the leftovers from your boss. Negative feedbacks come only from people who were unsuccessful with WFG, that’s a proven fact already.


Hollywood have a G is a good company my mom works in it and you were just jealous and you don’t want the people to have a good life


I say Part 2 of blaming WFB for someone's own failure to do their own diligent research.


I want to know if putting money into insurance with the companies they have for life insurance is legit.


Please stop ruin a company that helps multiple families. If you didnt make it to company for 1 year or 2years then please dont ruin for the people who can have the benefits and the legacy they can leave for their future family. If it's a scam then they should be in jail now and shut down . The products work and the opportunity is real . Please doesn't mean u didnt make it to be part of it and couldn't handle it, its doesnt mean u are allowed to ruined someone's life.


this video probably scammed some really good people out of a successful career with WFG


snakeoil man scamming others, i mean i dont even like his face, anyone could tell this guy is about to scam
