Chiropractor Readjusts Patient’s SPINE “The Pain Was Just Gone!” | Crack Addicts

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Dr Alessandra Colón gets a visit from Aly, who is suffering from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a condition that affects the connective tissue in one's body. Aly has it so bad that she now must have her spine readjusted.

From Season 1 Episode 2

Catch Really on - Sky 142, Virgin 128, BT TV 17
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it's so hard to find anyone willing to treat people with hEDS. she was so lovely towards her, and I feel like that is something so missed in the healthcare system. we've been gaslit so many times, that to have someone acknowledge our pain, is a relief in itself.


The most gentle chiropractor I've seen in YouTube 😅


That was so awesome! As someone who lives with chronic pain on a daily basis, I feel so happy that she found a provider that was willing to treat her. Best of everything to you both! We would love an update if possible. ❤


i have hyper mobility EDS and after a lot of pain found a great chiro that dose t crack but gently manipulates my joints back such a informative video living with this has good days, bad you just can’t let it define or defeat you


I also have EDS and I know the pain with joints constantly going in and out. Almost every health provider saids chiropractic procedures should be avoided. I can just breathe normally and my ribs will sublux. The worst are the upper ribs and clavicle for me, but I cannot put them back by myself. Sometimes we need help from chiropractors for these cases. I don't have them touch anything else especially since it only stays for a full day if I am lucky. I am glad you found someone that can help you!


I'm so happy for you. You found someone who can help you. The chiropractor seems really nice and definitely a nice person. You mentioned that your bones spread out. I DDD (degenerative Disc diseas) My bones
suck in tight. I have DDD and Fibromyalgia. My pain and chronic pain, makes me hurt everyday. My spine is so tight. One of my doctors recommended me to see a chiropractor. My other doctor said don't see a chiropractor. So I'm really confused of what to do. My DDD has been so progressive and, even trying to sleep, it hurts. My Prayers are with you.💙🙏


I have hypermobility Eds and I am in pain 24/7 I would love one day without pain.


My favorite case! I wish we would get a Season 2? More episodes? Or an explanation why not? Push back from big pharma?


It is expensive and uncomfortable, but it does work.


How do I reach out to this woman helping this girl?


The problem with these adjustments is they are only temporary. It doesn’t cure the disease.


Hearing those cracks makes me, for some reason, just cringe. Nice work, though!


So much DANGEROUS misinformation it makes me scared for anyone who has watched this and I just pray that Chiropractors will stop trying to treat people with EDS. Chiro does NOT treat the spinal instabilities or Joint Instabilities and it WILL further destabilize the joints and the spine especially in seriously dangerous ways. Chiropractic adjustments are VERY HIGH risk quadriplegia, paraplegia, stroke, aneurysm, permanent spinal cord and/or nerve damage, and spinal cord severance and sudden death that can occur on the table or days after. Risks with any treatment should NEVER outweigh the benefits especially not a treatment for PAIN RELIEF ONLY! I had a hard time watching this and the most irresponsible part of the show is that she lists the risks and then claimed the adjustment would be safe when it is NOT safe in the slightest. She knew in her gut instinct that it was risking her life and paralysis yet still proceeded to do the adjustments. My fear is that this will encourage others and give them false hope in a treatment that does NOT treat the instability in the spine and in fact stretches the ligaments further causing long term damage for short term relief. Doing NOTHING to help them long term in fact causing more damage to suffer from long term. The only Effective treatments for Craniocervial Instability, Cervical Instability, and other Spinal Instabilities (that treat the condition not just pain) include Highly Specialized Physical Therapy, Prolotherapy with stem cells, and surgery as a last resort which has to be done from top to bottom whenever possible to help prevent Cervical Adjacent Segment Disease. NO TREATMENTS should be attempted without proper diagnosis through an Upright MRI with Flexion and Extension read by a highly specialized and experienced neurosurgeon (there are only 2-3 on the East Coast. Mine is Dr Sunil Patel and he is one of the founders of the research that began recently in the last decade. He is thankfully training 8 new neurosurgeons, but for now all of this is still in its infancy and it takes 20 years for new diagnostic and treatment development to become common knowledge across the medical community. I have EDS myself and due to late diagnosis I progressed with Craniocervial and cervical instability without the intervention necessary to stop the progression. Unfortunately, I developed one of the most severe cases and it was too late for me to pursue highly specialized physical therapy… or even prolotherapy. Thankfully, the most conservative surgical plan available to me was successful and I was able to reverse 30 neurological conditions i developed and over 45+ debilitating symptoms without having to fuse further down than my 3rd vertebrae and I can’t even tell I have hardware in my neck, I can’t feel it.. but my surgeon did such a perfect job fusing the 1st 3 vertebrae that it put the natural curve back in my neck!! This took pressure off of the lower levels which has prevented me from needing any further fusion for 5 years and counting! I’ve done highly specialized physical therapy to learn proper posture and how to “find my center” when it comes to holding my spine in the proper place using my muscles which is what we have to train ourselves to do with EDS. There are muscles that are called “stabalizer muscles” that can be trained using biofeedback to engage them in stabalizing the spine! Bracing is also a tool we can use to stabilize our SI Joints, knees, and ankles along with proper footwear to help with alignment while standing. It’s incredible how much my life has changed! I’m no longer in a wheelchair, my neck brace is used intermittently vs constant to give my muscles a rest when needed, my GI, bladder, pelvic, and other issues have improved through other surgeries that treated other underlying causes my spinal instability contributed to. It’s common for spinal instability in EDS to lead to MALS & Nutcracker Syndrome which causes the symptoms associated with those things. Occult Tethered Slinak Cord is found in 98% of cases and surgery can be done if symptoms are disabling (they were first me). It’s too much to share in addition to everything else here.. but although it was a journey for me, I feel so grateful I found a path to recovery and I’m grateful my story has helped many others to find the answers and care they’ve needed as well as hope for a better fortune with EDS. It’s been a long time coming for treatments that work to become available for us and although things are still in their infancy, success rates are high with physical therapy, prolotherapy, and all 4 of my surgeries had 85% or higher rates of success. That’s huge for us. I just hope to see more upright MRI machines replacing supine MRIs that are missing most cases and cannot show the true extent of the instability in one’s spine. It makes sense that we live our lives upright and not laying flat on a table where our spine is more flat on the table for the images. My case was severe and still didn’t show on a supine MRI, my results came back as normal so it was missed. Unfortunately it left me permanently disabled after a serious health crisis that occurred as a result of my spine going down.. but I’m back out of a wheelchair and I’m not suffering everyday anymore! So thank God help is actually available and physical therapy and evaluation can be available through telehealth worldwide. I hope this information and my story helps someone and I pray that others will seek the proper care and avoid chiropractic adjustments! I’ve seen terrible damage from adjustments and it’s very scary. God bless you all and I’m happy to answer any questions anyone has! Just stay away from Chiro and other no nos such as Steroids, Progesterone, Botox, any injections above the shoulder, and avoid massage until after an evaluation has been done that shows it’s safe to do so.


I would turn her into a Functional Medicine patient, 22 bikes of blood and a 7 page stool analysis.
I would not, like everyone else, agree that her pain is from EOS


Assisti o seu vídeo na tv em português
Eu achei melhor ajeito de coluna seu tivesse dinheiro pra ir numa consulta
A melhor coisa que vir a senhorita fazer -
Hoje estou com 60 anos
Só de Pernambuco recife

Vivo em São Paulo mas tô despreocupada é vou tentar me aposentar com um salário mínimo
O SUS pra fazer
O que a senhora fez nunca
Que Deus lhe abençoe essa mão abençoada

Zuleide s d s
Rua coronel domingo Abreu vieira no26 salto ville salto


If you have EDS you should NEVER, EVER see a chiropractor. Don't let any snake oil quack chiro tell you they can help you.

See an orthopedist and get referred for physical therapy to strengthen your muscles to compensate for your connective tissue elasticity.


So much DANGEROUS misinformation it makes me scared for anyone who has watched this and I just pray that Chiropractors will stop trying to treat people with EDS. Chiro does NOT treat the spinal instabilities or Joint Instabilities and it WILL further destabilize the joints and the spine especially in seriously dangerous ways. Chiropractic adjustments are VERY HIGH risk quadriplegia, paraplegia, stroke, aneurysm, permanent spinal cord and/or nerve damage, and spinal cord severance and sudden death that can occur on the table or days after. Risks with any treatment should NEVER outweigh the benefits especially not a treatment for PAIN RELIEF ONLY! I had a hard time watching this and the most irresponsible part of the show is that she lists the risks and then claimed the adjustment would be safe when it is NOT safe in the slightest. She knew in her gut instinct that it was risking her life and paralysis yet still proceeded to do the adjustments. My fear is that this will encourage others and give them false hope in a treatment that does NOT treat the instability in the spine and in fact stretches the ligaments further causing long term damage for short term relief. Doing NOTHING to help them long term in fact causing more damage to suffer from long term. The only Effective treatments for Craniocervial Instability, Cervical Instability, and other Spinal Instabilities (that treat the condition not just pain) include Highly Specialized Physical Therapy, Prolotherapy with stem cells, and surgery as a last resort which has to be done from top to bottom whenever possible to help prevent Cervical Adjacent Segment Disease. NO TREATMENTS should be attempted without proper diagnosis through an Upright MRI with Flexion and Extension read by a highly specialized and experienced neurosurgeon (there are only 2-3 on the East Coast. Mine is Dr Sunil Patel and he is one of the founders of the research that began recently in the last decade. He is thankfully training 8 new neurosurgeons, but for now all of this is still in its infancy and it takes 20 years for new diagnostic and treatment development to become common knowledge across the medical community. I have EDS myself and due to late diagnosis I progressed with Craniocervial and cervical instability without the intervention necessary to stop the progression. Unfortunately, I developed one of the most severe cases and it was too late for me to pursue highly specialized physical therapy… or even prolotherapy. Thankfully, the most conservative surgical plan available to me was successful and I was able to reverse 30 neurological conditions i developed and over 45+ debilitating symptoms without having to fuse further down than my 3rd vertebrae and I can’t even tell I have hardware in my neck, I can’t feel it.. but my surgeon did such a perfect job fusing the 1st 3 vertebrae that it put the natural curve back in my neck!! This took pressure off of the lower levels which has prevented me from needing any further fusion for 5 years and counting! I’ve done highly specialized physical therapy to learn proper posture and how to “find my center” when it comes to holding my spine in the proper place using my muscles which is what we have to train ourselves to do with EDS. There are muscles that are called “stabalizer muscles” that can be trained using biofeedback to engage them in stabalizing the spine! Bracing is also a tool we can use to stabilize our SI Joints, knees, and ankles along with proper footwear to help with alignment while standing. It’s incredible how much my life has changed! I’m no longer in a wheelchair, my neck brace is used intermittently vs constant to give my muscles a rest when needed, my GI, bladder, pelvic, and other issues have improved through other surgeries that treated other underlying causes my spinal instability contributed to. It’s common for spinal instability in EDS to lead to MALS & Nutcracker Syndrome which causes the symptoms associated with those things. Occult Tethered Slinak Cord is found in 98% of cases and surgery can be done if symptoms are disabling (they were first me). It’s too much to share in addition to everything else here.. but although it was a journey for me, I feel so grateful I found a path to recovery and I’m grateful my story has helped many others to find the answers and care they’ve needed as well as hope for a better fortune with EDS. It’s been a long time coming for treatments that work to become available for us and although things are still in their infancy, success rates are high with physical therapy, prolotherapy, and all 4 of my surgeries had 85% or higher rates of success. That’s huge for us. I just hope to see more upright MRI machines replacing supine MRIs that are missing most cases and cannot show the true extent of the instability in one’s spine. It makes sense that we live our lives upright and not laying flat on a table where our spine is more flat on the table for the images. My case was severe and still didn’t show on a supine MRI, my results came back as normal so it was missed. Unfortunately it left me permanently disabled after a serious health crisis that occurred as a result of my spine going down.. but I’m back out of a wheelchair and I’m not suffering everyday anymore! So thank God help is actually available and physical therapy and evaluation can be available through telehealth worldwide. I hope this information and my story helps someone and I pray that others will seek the proper care and avoid chiropractic adjustments! I’ve seen terrible damage from adjustments and it’s very scary. God bless you all and I’m happy to answer any questions anyone has! Just stay away from Chiro and other no nos such as Steroids, Progesterone, Botox, any injections above the shoulder, and avoid massage until after an evaluation has been done that shows it’s safe to do so.
