The Art of Azula’s Blue Flames

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Princess Azula is in a league of her own. She is the only known fire bender to bend BLUE fire. Some say her techniques and dominance could potentially over power her father. What's your thoughts?
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Azula is no question the most talented fire bender in the series. The fact she achieved blue flames(which is the hottest type of flames) shows how strong and scary Azula is.


It's scary that a crazed psychopath mastered the hottest and potent form of firebending with an unstable mind


We need a show where Azula comes back as the main villian with Fire - Lava- and crystal benders


Azula when breathing blue fire breath reminds me of Godzilla


Honestly, one of the things you realize is that blue fire was not natural. Watch the episode when Aang and Zuko meet the dragon masters, when they get surrounded by the fire and all the colors are present, except blue. Blue was not natural in anyway


Saying that Azula didn’t have a rough Childhood is wrong.
Azula wanted to please her father so she followed his ideologies. She feels unloved by her Mother also Ursa didn’t rlly teach her love the way she did with zuko


Azula might not have been mentioned in Legend of Korra but it is highly likely (pretty certain) that the shaman woman is Azula. She's the same age, same eyes, and same hairstyle to be an elderly Azula. This means that like the narrator said at 3:40-3:43 Azula did indeed become redeemed. I can tell from experience that redemption is anything but an easy process yet it is among the most rewarding experiences one can have. When we moved from Texas (my birth and home state) in 2003 I struggled to adapt and didn't give people much of a chance. I became quite self centered and thought highly of myself while thinking lowly of others. I have gotten past that now and forgave all wrongs done to me and by me 12-29-2019 and as of 4-18-2023 I swore off selfishness for good. My ambitions now are to help society become more at one with what is around us. My service on senate at college is what untimely changed me around for the better and I never have been the same since. I am now rethinking my life and figuring out a way to make that happen, I was wild and thought people didn't care prior to my college senate days. I will be a humble man one day.


Best fire bender ever she’s the most powerful


One Question i would really need to be Answer by Fans please please please... or at least not direct answer but rather discussion about this... Don't you guys think it's quite unfair for other 3 benders elements, as Fire Bender are the only bender that can bend their element out of nothing... earth need earth, water need water, air maybe i think still need air, but fire? they just burst out fire and lightning out of their breath .... please have discussion about this...


Fact probably everyone knows:blue fire is hotter than red fire in real life


I have been saying for years that she had to have taught herself the ability since, like mentioned in the video, she would use orange flames as a kid like everyone else. I think, however, it's similar to the blue flame produced by the dragons in their rainbow fire. They had fire of all colors telling me it's possible to learn and control all colors of fire just other colors, like blue, are far more difficult to yield than orange/red. I don't hate the theory of emotion being why she has blue flames, I just personally don't like it. Zuko's emotions and reason for firebending did a complete 180⁰ after helping the avatar, but his flames always stayed the same color. So that tells me it's more of a learned ability and far less to do with emotion.
I think when she figured out the blue flame, she worked endlessly to master it and then only use blue as a means to show off her superior firebending skills 🩵💙

Edit: But these are just my personal thoughts and are probably wrong 😅🤣
