Debugging PX4 - Niklas Hauser, Auterion AG

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This talk gives you an overview of the tooling available for advanced debugging of PX4 via GDB.

The inspection tools built into PX4 via Mavlink Shell (NSH) as well as interpretation of the PX4 uLog after a flight require PX4 to still be functioning. However, the most problematic bugs often manifest themselves in a (partially) hanging or crashed system. Therefore, we present the open-source Embedded Debug Tools project, which manages and configures probe, debugging and analysis tools for PX4 and NuttX.
Debug interfaces (SWD) and the associated debug probes (J-Link, STLink) and libraries (JLinkGDBServer, OpenOCD).
How to install and configure arm-none-eabi-gdb(-py3) for debugging your ELF.
Commonly used GDB commands and scripts.
Advanced GDB scripting via its Python API.
Inspection of NuttX RTOS component internals: tasks, semaphores, scheduler.
Inspecting peripheral state with CMSIS-SVD files and custom visualizations.
Coredumping for post-mortem debugging via CrashDebug.
Hardfault analysis in a live system and via the hardfault log.
Remote GDB scripting via the Machine Interface.
Automated HiL testing of PX4 via combined GDB and NSH scripting.
ITM profiling over SWO pin using Orbuculum.
Thread/IRQ/Workqueue/Heap visualization and latency analysis using perfetto.
High-bandwidth ETM tracing over TRACE pins: J-Trace and ORBtrace mini.
We conclude with an overview of interesting related project and an outlook on the future of PX4 debugging.
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