How To Use GIT and SourceTree - For Beginners
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In this tutorial, i briefly go over the basics of GIT, and then I start the slow process of an example of GIT using SourceTree. Hopefully you're able to understand it pretty well after the first example.
I DO NOT cover Conflicts, Errors, or File Merging. I might cover that in another video...
Key words to remember when playing with Subversion & GIT
1. Master Repository: place where you upload your Committed files.
2. Local Repository: place on your computer where you save and work on files
3. State/Revision: basically a save file of your repository (they never overwrite)
4. Commit: store your files to a state/revision on your local repository . These commits serve as nodes.
5. Nodes: "save files" of commits to the repository. Nodes automatically Branch off of the Master Repository
6. Branch: both a verb and a noun, referring how GIT branches off nodes when users commit their files.
7. Head: most recent node on a branch
8. Merge: Combines 2 branch heads together into 1 branch (usually with the Master Branch)
9. Push: Uploads or sends all of your commits to the Master Repository
10. Fetch: Downloads all of the commits from the Master Repository to your Local Repository (DOES NOT MERGE)
11. Pull: Downloads all of the commits from the Master Repository to your Local Repository AND MERGES your most recent commit